Search result(s) - sóhot



To enter through a small opening, to slip in, creep through, get in, insinuate oneself into, thread one's way through. Sóhot (Magsóhot, sumóhot) ka lang sa korál (kodál). Sohóti lang ang korál. Just creep through the fence. Sohóta ang kwárta nga nadágdag sa idálum sang baláy. Creep in under the house and get the money that was dropped down. Ginsóhot níya ang bóla sa idálum sang lamésa. He crept in and got the ball from underneath the table. He crept under the table and got the ball. Kapín na sa isá ka búlan nga walâ gid siá magsóhot (makasóhot) sa simbáhan. For more than a month he has not (was unable to) put in an appearance at church.



To creep, crawl or pass through a fence, etc., as pigs and other animals. (see lusút, sóhot).



To pass or slip through a narrow opening, wriggle or squeeze through a hole, fence, etc. Naglusút siá sa kodál-or-ginlútsan níya ang kodál. He squeezed through the fence. Makalusút ikáw dirá? Can you wriggle through there? (see sóhot).



Dim. and Freq. of sóhot-to slip or creep in, to prowl, introduce oneself as a spy, or the like.



Freq. of súhut, sóhot-to slip in, enter, etc. Also: the way or manner-, the amount-, of fish entering, and being caught in, a fish-corral (punút), etc.



See panohót-sohót-to prowl, etc.



To squeeze or slip through, introduce oneself surreptitiously (as a spy or secret agent); to prowl, rove in search of prey or plunder. (see súlip, panohót-sohót).



Caus. of sóhot-to slip in, creep through, etc.

sóhot, súhut


Also: Catch, fish caught, fish that enters, and is caught in, a fish-trap. Maáyo ang sóhot. The catch was (is) good. Many fish were caught.



To creep or crawl through a hole, enter through a small opening or aperture, force a way through. Nagsúghut siá sa maíkit nga mga pinúnò sang mga kahóykahóy. He crept through the dense thickets (brushwood). (see sóhot, súhut).



To creep or crawl through a narrow passage, etc. See sóhot, súghut id.

sulíp, súlip


To squeeze oneself through a small aperture, creep or crawl into a hole, etc. with bent body. Sulipá ang bóla sa idálum sang táytay. Crawl under the bridge and get the ball. Indì ka makasulíp (makasúlip) dirâ. You cannot squeeze yourself through there. (see sóhot, súrip).



To creep or crawl in, disappear (in a hole, or the like). (see súroy, sóhot).



To enter through a narrow aperture, creep or crawl in, slip in, introduce oneself. (see súngroy, sóhot).

tabô, tabû


An event, eventuality, occurrence, accident; incident, happening, fact; to happen, occur, come about, take place, befall, betide, fall out, come to pass, get or come upon by chance. Isá inâ ka tabô nga makatitingála. That is (was) a wonderful event. Nakatabô akó kahápon sing maáyo nga sóhot sang ísdà sa ákon bunóan. Yesterday I happened to catch a good lot of fish that entered the pocket of my fish-trap (fish-corral). Natabô nga sang pagabút ko dídto amó gid man ang pagsulúd sang mga buyóng sa bánwa. It fell out that the brigands entered the town just as I arrived. Natabuán akó sang íya kamatáyon. I happened to be present at his death. Natabû ang sulî sang íla ginpaabút. The reverse of what they expected came to pass. (see hanabô, hatabû).



To buy in the open market, especially said of fresh fish. The form panúgbong is mostly used: to go in search of fresh fish, etc. Kahápon nanúgbung kamí, ápang walâ kamí makabakál sing ísdà, kay diótay kaáyo ang sóhot. Yesterday we went out to buy fresh fish, but we couldn't get any, as the catch had been so very small. Manúgbung (magapanúgbung) kitá buás sa ága pa gid, agúd básì pa lang kon makaayô kitá sing diótay nga ísdà gíkan sa párte sang mga bóso. Early tomorrow morning we shall go in search of fresh fish; we hope to obtain some by entreaty from the divers' share.



Also: secret machination, manipulation, contrivance, means, underhand dealing, tricks, frauds.



Secret machinations, machiavellianism; to use all kinds of tricks, etc. (see pasóhot).



The earwig. Nasohótan siá sing atipálo. An earwig crawled into his ear.



A snare, trap. Siód nga tiglapák. A spring-trap. The victim is caught when it steps on the trap and releases a spring. Siód nga tigsohót. A trap that catches its victim by means of spikes that turn inwards and prevent the victim from escaping, when once it has entered. (see síod).

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