(B) To use recklessly, handle without regard or consideration, treat roughly. Gindádol gid lang níya ang bág-o nga mga sapátos sa mga kabatohán. He wears his new boots quite recklessly in places where there are rocks. Indì ka magdádol sang diótay mo nga bátà sa mabúdlay nga dálan. Don't take your small child along over difficult roads. Indì mo pagdadólon kón diín ka makádto ang bátà nga may hilánat, kóndì ibílin mo siá sa baláy. Don't take with you wherever you go the child with the cold, but leave it at home. Gindádol níya sa lúnang ang matahúm níya nga sinélas. He dragged his beautiful slippers (regardlessly) through the mud. (see gánoy, gúyud).
Small glass pearls or glass beads or similar decorations of glass used in necklaces, on skirts, tops of slippers and the like. Abáw, ang sinélas níya napunô (nabútà) sang dúmdum! Why, her slippers are entirely covered with glass beads!
To strike, whip, cane, thrash, flog, beat, trounce, etc. Hípus kamó, kay kon dílì parehóhon ko kamó nga tanán sang hánot. Be quiet, or I will punish you all equally. Hanóta siá. Give him a whipping. Hanóti siá sa likód. Flog him on the back. Ihánot mo sa íya iníng sinélas. Beat him with these slippers. (see búnal, hámpak, etc.).
(Sp. horma) Form, mould; to form, set in order, repair. Hormahá ang baláy, sapátos, etc. Repair the house, boots, etc. Hormahí akó sang ákon atóp, sinélas, etc. Repair my roof, my slippers, etc. for me.
(B) To slap, smack, strike with the palm of the hand. Huyapí siá. Smack him. Naghuyáp siá sa ákon-or-hinuyapán níya akó. He slapped me. Ihuyáp sa íya ang ímo sinélas. Slap him with your slipper. Ginhanâ níya akó nga huyapán. He lifted his hand and threatened to slap me. (see támpà).
(Sp. par, pares) Even; pair. Pádis ukón lúnes? Odd or even? (Sp. pares ó nones?) Isá ka pádis nga sinélas. A pair of chinese slippers. (see páris id.).
To shuffle-, draggle-, trail noisily-, over the ground or floor (slippers, boots or the like). Indì ka magsagúdsud sang ímo sinélas-or-índì mo pagisagúdsud ang ímo sinélas. Don't drag your slippers so noisily over the floor.
A kind of men's slippers. (see sinélas).
Shop where slippers are made or sold.