Search result(s) - tigbabaé



To ask, request the hand of the bride on behalf of the bridegroom, to woo for, procure a wife for a prospective husband, make a match, be a matchmaker or go-between. Ang tiglalakí nagakágon sa tigbabaé. The father of the man is arranging the marriage with the father of the woman. Kagáb-i ginkagónan si Mariá sang amáy ni Pédro. Last night Peter's father asked for the hand of Maria (on behalf of Peter). Ikágon mo akó ánay sa kay Fulána. Kindly speak for me to N.N. and ask her to become my wife.

The parents, relations and friends of a woman, usually of a bride or wife. (tig-, babáe; the relations of the man are called the tiglalakí, from tig-, laláki).



The kinsmen, relatives, friends of a man, usually of a husband or bridegroom. (see tigbabaé-the relatives, etc. of a woman).

urúkay, urukáy


(B) Merry-making, mirth, a joyful social gathering with singing and dancing, etc., as often indulged in after a marriage by the tiglalakí ang tigbabaé, or the like. May urúkay sa baláy ni Fuláno. Nagaurúkay sánda sa baláy ni Fuláno. (May sinádya (nagasinádya silá) sa baláy ni Fuláno). They are making merry in N.N.'s house. (see sádya, sinádya, garís, ginarís, dógsing, dinógsing, húgyaw, etc.).

urúkay, urukáy


(B) Merry-making, mirth, a joyful social gathering with singing and dancing, etc., as often indulged in after a marriage by the tiglalakí ang tigbabaé, or the like. May urúkay sa baláy ni Fuláno. Nagaurúkay sánda sa baláy ni Fuláno. (May sinádya (nagasinádya silá) sa baláy ni Fuláno). They are making merry in N.N.'s house. (see sádya, sinádya, garís, ginarís, dógsing, dinógsing, húgyaw, etc.).