Search result(s) - tolóy



A kind of fish similar to a sardine and often salted. Binóro nga tóloy. Salted tóloy-fish. N.B. As the tóloy is quite common, the term also stands at times for: fashion, vogue, common, vulgar. Ah, tóloy na inâ! Ah, that is the fashion nowadays! That is now quite common or vulgar! (see sardínas, lunák).



To be caught or jammed in (in such a way as to be unable either to proceed or to go back). Nagtolóy ang ísdà sa matá sang sahíd. The fish stuck fast to (was caught or jammed in) one of the meshes of the net.



To salt, pickle, put in brine. Bodóha ang ísdà, páhò, etc. Pickle the fish, mango, etc. Ibódo akó ánay siníng búgsò nga ísdà. Kindly pickle this piece of fish for me. Bodóhi akó sing tóloy. Salt down some sardines for me. Binódo (binóro)-salted (pickled) fish. (see bóro, asín, gamós).



(H) Common, ordinary, vulgar, in general use; to be or become vulgar, common, within reach of everybody; to waste, wear out, run to seed. (see komún, bástos, tóloy).

panóloy, panolóy


Freq. of tóloy-to imprecate, call down-, invoke-, evil upon, curse, wish evil to. Indì mo pagpanolóyon ang ímo láwas. Don't curse yourself. Ginpanóloy níya ang íya kaáway sa pagsilíng nga maáyo kon mapatáy siá. He cursed his enemy saying, that it would be-best for him to die,-a good thing if he died.



(Sp. sardina) Sardine. Fish imported in cans. (see tóloy).

tóloy, tolóy


A curse, imprecation; to curse, imprecate, wish evil to, but the frequentative form panóloy, panolóy is more in use.



Curse, imprecation; to curse; imprecate evil, swear, wish evil to, intend to harm or even to kill another. (see tóloy, tolóy, tuyô, túhoy, panghimaláut).