Search result(s) - ápang



To serve, especially applied to prospective husbands serving for their betrothed. Nagapangágad na siá dídto. He is serving there for his betrothed. May batásan silá nga ang mga laláki mangágad or magpangágad sa baláy sang íla pangasáw-on (nga íla pangasáw-an). They have the custom that the men should serve in the house of their intended wives (of their future parents-in-law). The Freq. pangágad is mostly used; ágad without the prefix pang occurs in umágad-son-in-law.



(Perhaps from the Sp. alabar) To beseech, ask in prayer, to call on God or the Saints in prayer. The Freq. pangalába is usually employed. Nagapangalába kamí sa ímo---. We beseech you---. Ginapangalába námon sa ímo nga---. Ginapangalabáhan námon ikáw nga---. We beseech thee or we call on thee, that---. (see pangamúyò, pangáyò, pangadî, panawág).



Hesitating, doubtful, timid, shy; to be or become doubtful, etc. Nagaalág-ag ang buót ko sa pagsulát sa íya, kay básì magasúngon. I am afraid to write to him, for he may get angry, or he may take it ill. Indì ka magpangalág-ag, kóndì dayóna lang ang ímo igahámbal. Don't be shy or don't hesitate, but continue what you have got to say. Nagapangalág-ag siá magsulúd, kay básì akígan. He hesitates to enter, for he may possibly meet with an angry reception. (see alâ-álà).



Side, edge, border; to pass along the side of, to go in a parallel line along the border of, to take a side-track. Magalíhid lang kamó sa pángpang. Just pick your way along the bank. Kon madámù ang lúnang sa dálan saráng kamó makaalíhid sa isá ka bánas. If there should be much mud on the road, you can take the footpath at the side of it. Metaphorically: Nagapangalíhid siá sa mga kadalagkuán. He avoids contact with high-class folks, holds aloof from them, keeps his distance in their presence.



Odour, smell, scent, perfume, emanation, vapour emanating from the ground, flowers, etc.; to smell, give off a smell, to exhale, be odoriferous. Anáno nga alísbong ang ginabátyag ko dirí? What kind of smell do I notice here? Anó ang nagapangalísbong? What is smelling? Abáw, nagapangalísbong ka ba! Ah, how strong you smell of scent! (see ósbong, súbung, sungáw).



Vapour, steam arising from the soil, emanation, effluvium, exhalation, miasma, steam, etc.; to give off vapour, to exhale. Nakahák-on akó sang alísngaw sang dútà. I inhaled the vapours arising from the soil. Ang dútà nga uháw, kon maulanán, magaalísngaw kag magaalísbong (magapangalísbong). The thirsty soil, if rained upon, gives off vapours and odours. (see súbung, ósbong, sungáw, alísbong).

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