Search result(s) - lukó



Mark, impression, penetration, stamp, notch; to mark, blaze, penetrate, leave-a mark,-trace,-notch, to indent, notch, pierce. Nagdulút ang ngipon sang idô sa batíis sang bátà. The dog's teeth left a mark on the calf of the child's leg. Padútla ang tigíb sing maáyo. Drive the chisel in well. Gindútlan sang kagát sang lukón ang ákon kamót. The claws of the lobster imbedded themselves in my hand. Ipadulút ko iníng tigíb sa kahóy. I will drive this chisel to mark-, indent-, the tree.



(H) Face, facial expression, mien, visage, countenance; aspect; cheek; audacity, temerity, shame. Ang íya guyá maitúm. His face is black. Kon magkádlaw siá ang duhá níya ka písngi nagapakítà sang magtímbang nga yupúk sang íya guyá nga makawiwíli tulúkon. When she smiles her two cheeks dimple in a way pleasant to look upon. Si Fuláno may guyá sa pagbutángbútang sa íya sa likód kag waláy guyá sa pagutís sa íya sa atubángan. N.N. has the face to slander him behind his back and is not ashamed to flatter him in his presence. (see pangguyáhon, nawóng, uyahón, guyahón).



(B) Very fat, obese, extraordinarily corpulent; to be excessively fat. Nagalídò gid iníng báboy. This pig is very fat. Naglídò siá dídto nga maláw-ay na tulúkon. He grew so excessively fat there, that he is disagreeable to look upon. (see támbok, baragóok, búg-ong, bug-óngan, bugróngan, búgrong).



A large sea-lobster. (see lukón id.).



The ink-fish, cuttle-fish, squid. (see lúkos id.).



To roll up, etc. See lúkot. (see lolón, balólon, lolós).



To roll up, make a roll of; roll, bale (of paper, etc.). Loloná ang baníg, amákan, etc. Roll up the bed-mat, bamboo-mat, etc. Ilolón mo akó ánay sináng mga sáko. Kindly make those sacks up into a roll for me. Loloní akó siníng lág-i. Make this fish-trap netting up into a roll for me. Ginlolón níla ang mga bayóong, etc. They rolled up the bags, etc. (see balólon, balón, lúkot).

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