Search result(s) - lángit



To join or associate with in trade, be a partner in business,-in games, etc. Nagabákas siá sa kay Fuláno sa sugál, sa komérsyo, etc. He is N. N.'s partner in gambling, in commerce, etc. Bakásan ko ikáw sa ímo palangitán-an. I'll join you in your business. Bakási akó. Associate with me. Join me.



Livelihood, maintenance, sustenance; work, job, employment. Walâ siá karón sing bidáhon. He is at present out of work, has no job or remunerative employment. (see bída, pangítà, palamúgnan, alagarán, palangitán-an).



Crocodile, alligator, cayman, caiman. (see balangítaw).



The span of the hand between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the middle-finger. (see balángit-the span between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the fore-finger).



Plentiful, in full bloom or swing, flourishing, in the pink of condition; to thrive, flourish, prosper, run well, be in full bloom or swing, make progress, be prosperous. Nagahimosagâ ang íya edád. He is in his prime. Nagahimosagâ ang íya nga komérsyo, pangabúhì, palangitán-an, etc. His business is running well, his life is prosperous, he earns much, etc. Nagahimosagâ na liwán ang pangolerá. Cholera is again on the increase-or-causing great havoc. Naghimosagâ ang íya nga kapaláran. His condition was prosperous-or-Fate smiled on him. (see hamungáyà, dagáyà, bugánà, abúnda, etc.).

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