Dim. and Freq. of íban. Ibánibáni lang ang maís nga kinokót. Just take a small amount of the shelled corn.
Dim. and Freq. of íban. Ibánibáni lang ang maís nga kinokót. Just take a small amount of the shelled corn.
To kill, slaughter, slay (an animal); to roast (corn); slaughter, the killing of beasts. Iháwa ang báka. Slaughter the cow. Sín-o ang nagíhaw sang báboy? Who killed the pig? Iháwi ang kasál sing isá ka toréte. Slaughter for the marriage feast a medium-sized calf. May íhaw silá karón nga ádlaw. They are slaughtering to-day. Iháwi akó sing maís. Roast some corn for me. (see patáy, bóog).
To kill, slaughter, slay (an animal); to roast (corn); slaughter, the killing of beasts. Iháwa ang báka. Slaughter the cow. Sín-o ang nagíhaw sang báboy? Who killed the pig? Iháwi ang kasál sing isá ka toréte. Slaughter for the marriage feast a medium-sized calf. May íhaw silá karón nga ádlaw. They are slaughtering to-day. Iháwi akó sing maís. Roast some corn for me. (see patáy, bóog).
(H) To scorch, roast over a fire, toast, burn superficially. Ilába lang ang maís sa pagbóog, agúd áton makáon sa madalî. Just toast the corn, when you roast it, so that we may be able to eat it soon. Indì mo pagilábon ang kárne, kóndì bóg-on mo sa bága. Do not simply scorch the meat in a flame, but roast it over glowing coals. (see sílab, sírab).
(H) To scorch, roast over a fire, toast, burn superficially. Ilába lang ang maís sa pagbóog, agúd áton makáon sa madalî. Just toast the corn, when you roast it, so that we may be able to eat it soon. Indì mo pagilábon ang kárne, kóndì bóg-on mo sa bága. Do not simply scorch the meat in a flame, but roast it over glowing coals. (see sílab, sírab).
(H) Roast. Iníhaw nga maís. Roasted corn, popcorn. (íhaw-bóog-to roast; see binóog).
(H) Roast. Iníhaw nga maís. Roasted corn, popcorn. (íhaw-bóog-to roast; see binóog).
A verbal prefix related to and often identical with i-, ig-, iga-, but preferably used in expressing circumstances of time or instrumentality. Ang mga ádlaw nga inogpuása. Fast-days. Tión na nga inoglakát. It is now time to set out, to go or walk. Adlaw nga inogpangabúdlay. A work-day. Adlaw nga inogpahúay. A day of rest. A holiday. Bató nga inoggalíng sang maís. A stone for grinding corn. Papél nga inogsulát. Writing paper. Batakán nga inoglúlan sang mga sakayán. A crane for loading ships. Inogbák-ong-a shroud, sheet, cover. Inogbalítwà-a lever, bar for raising heavy loads. Inogkaláham (inogpangaláham)-the sense of touch, sensation through contact. Inogsagámsam-taste, the sense of taste. Inoglaráwan-for use in painting, carving, photography, etc. etc. (see inug-id.).
A verbal prefix related to and often identical with i-, ig-, iga-, but preferably used in expressing circumstances of time or instrumentality. Ang mga ádlaw nga inogpuása. Fast-days. Tión na nga inoglakát. It is now time to set out, to go or walk. Adlaw nga inogpangabúdlay. A work-day. Adlaw nga inogpahúay. A day of rest. A holiday. Bató nga inoggalíng sang maís. A stone for grinding corn. Papél nga inogsulát. Writing paper. Batakán nga inoglúlan sang mga sakayán. A crane for loading ships. Inogbák-ong-a shroud, sheet, cover. Inogbalítwà-a lever, bar for raising heavy loads. Inogkaláham (inogpangaláham)-the sense of touch, sensation through contact. Inogsagámsam-taste, the sense of taste. Inoglaráwan-for use in painting, carving, photography, etc. etc. (see inug-id.).
Reckoning, counting, count, numbering, enumeration, tally, tale, mind, reason, thinking, idea, thought, reasoning; to reckon, count, carp, number, enumerate, compute, tell. Isípa sing maáyo iníng mga kawáyan kon pilá ka nahót ang kúlang pa. Count well these bamboos to find out how many are still short. Isípi siá sing limá ka gatús nga maís nga binílog. Count him out five hundred full corn-cobs. Iísip akó ánay siníng kwárta. Please count this money for me. Ginaisípan níya ang íya mga útud. He is selfish or niggardly in dealing with his brothers and sisters (i.e. counting and making notes of everything they spend, constantly reminding them of what it costs him to support them and the like). Maábtik siá magísip. He is an expert at counting. Daw sa nawád-an siá sing ísip. He is, acts, looks, as if he had lost his senses or reason. He is (was) puzzled or bewildered. Dílì maáyo iní nga ísip. This is not a good idea or thought. It is bad reasoning. (see hunâhúnà, painóíno).
Reckoning, counting, count, numbering, enumeration, tally, tale, mind, reason, thinking, idea, thought, reasoning; to reckon, count, carp, number, enumerate, compute, tell. Isípa sing maáyo iníng mga kawáyan kon pilá ka nahót ang kúlang pa. Count well these bamboos to find out how many are still short. Isípi siá sing limá ka gatús nga maís nga binílog. Count him out five hundred full corn-cobs. Iísip akó ánay siníng kwárta. Please count this money for me. Ginaisípan níya ang íya mga útud. He is selfish or niggardly in dealing with his brothers and sisters (i.e. counting and making notes of everything they spend, constantly reminding them of what it costs him to support them and the like). Maábtik siá magísip. He is an expert at counting. Daw sa nawád-an siá sing ísip. He is, acts, looks, as if he had lost his senses or reason. He is (was) puzzled or bewildered. Dílì maáyo iní nga ísip. This is not a good idea or thought. It is bad reasoning. (see hunâhúnà, painóíno).
To be, make or become dry, hard through heat, etc. Nagkagíng ang tinápay sa ínit sang ádlaw. The bread has become very dry (hard) through the heat of the sun. Indì mo pagpakagingón ang maís kon bóg-on mo. Don't allow the corn to become too hard when you roast it. Kagingá ang pagbóog sang kárne, ísdà, maís, etc. Roast the meat, fish, corn, etc., till it becomes quite dry. Kinagingán kamí níla sing maís nga binóog. They made some very crisp roast corn for us.
To collect, gather, scrape or rake together with the hand, as things lying on a table, earth from a hole, etc. Kakáha ang dútà. Scrape the earth together. Kakáhi ang tabungós sing humáy. Take some rice from the tabungos-basket (with your hands). Ikáka akó ánay siníng maís. Gather, please, these maize-seeds (maize-cobs) with your hand. Diín akó makakáka sing pílak? Where can I scrape together some money? (see típon, tingúb).