(Sp. maiz) Maize, Indian corn, corn.
Second harvest, secondary harvest, harvest after the main or principal harvest. The "ami" usually falls between the months of December and March, seldom later, the main crop within the months of April and December. Also: To plant a second crop, etc. May amí kamó?-Hóo, ang naányan námon ginamihán námon. Have you got a second crop?-Yes, where we harvested our rice there we planted a second crop (of corn, beans, etc.). Iamí ko iníng maís. I am going to plant this corn as a second crop. Mangamí kamó?-Hóo, kon magulán mangamí kamí. Will you plant a second crop?-Yes, if it rains, we will.
The rice-harvest; to harvest rice by means of a small rice-cutter called a "kayóg". Magaáni kamí sa buás. We will harvest rice tomorrow. Ania or ánya ang humáy mo, kay gúlang na. Harvest your rice, for it is ripe. Iníng talámnan sang maís ginánian or ginányan ko sang duhá ka búlan. I got a crop of rice from this corn-field two months ago. Mangáni or manganíhan pa kamí. We are going to work at harvesting rice. Indì mo pagpaaníhon ang mga táo sa ádlaw nga Domíngo kon waláy kabangdánan nga dakû. Don't order-, permit-, the people to harvest rice on Sunday without grave reason. Ginpaáni ko sa íla ang tungâ sang ákon humáy kag ang tungâ ginpagálab ko sa íla. I let them harvest one half of my rice with the rice-cutter (kayóg), and one half I ordered them to cut with the sickle. Indì na nákon pag-ipaáni sa táo ang ákon talámnan, kóndì ipagálab ko lang, kay pagahimúslan ko man ang dagámi. I will no longer permit the harvesters to cut the rice on my field with the kayóg, but I will order them to cut it with the sickle, for then I shall get some profit out of the straw as well. (see alányon, alaníhon-rice to be harvested).
Dim. of áti. Resembling a Negrito in blackness, etc.; dark, blackish. Maís nga atí-áti. Dark maize, black corn.
To warm, to heat, make red-hot. Ginbagáng sang manugsálsal ang salsálon. The smith made the iron red-hot. Nabagáng na ang gánga. The roasting-pot is hot. Bagangá ánay ang gánga sa walâ pa ikáw magsánlag sang maís. Heat the roasting-pot first before you roast the corn. Ang gúgma nagabagáng sang íya tagiposóon. Love warms his heart. Ibagáng akó ánay sing isá ka nahót nga salsálon. Kindly make a piece of iron red-hot for me. Bagangí akó sing gánga, kay magasánlag akó sing maís. Heat a roasting-pot for me, for I am going to roast some corn. Ginabagáng siá. He is getting hot, i.e. he has fever, as a forerunner of some serious disease like smallpox, measles, etc.
Watch, guard, observer; to watch, guard, observe, supervise, take care of, look after, keep an eye on. Bantayí ang ákon baláy. Guard my house. Take good care of my house. Bantayán mo lang akó dídto sa únhan. Just keep on the look-out for me there further ahead. Binantayán níya ang íla mga gího. He observed, watched their movements. Ibántay akó dídto sang ákon karabáw, maís, humáy, etc. Watch for me there my buffalo, maize, rice, etc. Manugbántay siá sang mga háyop, sang mga karnéro, etc. He is a herdsman or cowherd, a shepherd, etc. Anhél nga manugbántay. Guardian Angel. (see panílag, tíid, paníid).
To sprinkle, strew, scatter, as grain, flowers or the like. Bilibóri (-ódi) ang manók sing humáy. Scatter some rice-grains to the chickens. Ibilíbod sa mungâ ang isá ka púdyot nga maís. Scatter a little corn for the hen. Binilibóran níla ang laráwan sang Mahál nga Bírhen sing madámù nga mga búlak. They strewed the statue of the Blessed Virgin with many flowers. (see bóbod, sábwag, waráwag, sábud, sáb-og).
Ground, crushed, pulverized, powdered, mashed. Binókbok nga bugás, kamóti, maís, etc. Ground rice, mashed sweet potatoes, crushed corn, etc. (see bókbok).
To crush, powder, grind, mash, pulverize, comminute, break, bruise, pound, reduce to fine particles. Bokboká ang bugás. Powder the hulled rice. Bokbokí akó sing diótay nga maís nga kinokót. Grind some corn for me. Binókbok nga balátong. Mashed beans. Ibókbok mo akó ánay siníng dalógdog nga ipamányos ko. Kindly crush this dalógdog-fruit for me, as I wish to rub myself with it. Figuratively: Natungâtúngà námon ang dálan nga mapailóngílong kag bokbokán kamí sang ulán. We had covered about half the distance on the road leading to Iloilo, when we were overtaken by a pelting shower of rain. (see sâsâ, tâtâ, mômô, lumâ, pusâ).
(B) To roast-, bake-, broil-, over live coals. Bóg-a (boóga) ang kamóti. Bake the sweet potato. Bóg-i (boógi) akó sing kárne, ísdà, ságing, maís, etc. Roast some meat, fish, bananas, corn, etc. for me. Ibóog akó ánay siníng maís. Kindly roast this corn for me. Maís nga binóog, unúd nga binóog, etc. Roast-corn,-meat, etc. (see íhaw, súgba).
To distend, bloat, cause flatulence or cramps in the stomach by taking beverages in too large quantities, or with food with which they do not agree. Binúros siá. He is suffering from flatulence. Kon magkáon ka síng maís nga binóog índì ka maginúm sing tubâ nga lakás, kay básì buróson ka. When you eat roast corn don't drink too much toddy, for it may give you cramps in the stomach. (see gúrus, N. B. "búros" and "gúrus" are often used promiscuously, but "búros" is properly used of an indisposition caused by drinking too much, whilst "gúrus" applies to an indisposition caused by eating too much).
(B) Fit to be roasted; nearly ripe (of corn, etc.). Maís nga burúg-on. Corn that is-nearly ripe,-fit to be roasted. (see bóog).
Cracked, split open, burst; to pop, burst with a sound, as maize when roasted in a pan, etc. Nagbutî ang maís. The maize burst. Pabutiá ang maís. Let the maize burst. Pop the corn. Buót ka magkáon sing butî sang maís? Do you like to eat popped corn? (see bitî).
To spin, rotate, turn, go round, as a wheel on its axle. Ang ruéda nagabúyung. The wheel is turning. Pabuyúnga ang galingán sang maís. Set the maize-mill-going,-in motion. Ipabúyung akó siníng alíling. Kindly turn this wheel for me. Ang mga bátà nagapabúyung sang íla mga kasíng. The boys are spinning their tops. (see túyub, tíyog).
Line, row, tier. Isá ka dalán nga maís. One row of maize (on the cob). Pilá ka dalán ang isá ka kayán? How many rows of corn are there on a cob? Walâ siá magsulát sa ákon sing bisán isá ka dalán. He did not write me a line. (see dinalán).
(H) To buy cereals, especially rice or corn. Dalawáta ang bugás ko. Buy my hulled rice. Dalawáti akó sing isá ka gántang nga bugás. Buy me a ganta of hulled rice. Indì ka makadaláwat dirí sing humáy, kay walâ sing makapadaláwat. You cannot buy rice here, because nobody can sell it. Idaláwat akó ánay sing tátlo ka gántang nga maís. Please buy for me three gantas of corn. Iníng písos idaláwat mo sing maís. This peso is for buying corn. This peso is to buy corn with. Walâ akó sing ikadaláwat. I have no means to buy rice (corn, etc.) with. Padalawáta akó sang ímo humáy. Sell me your rice.
To find time, do at once or promptly, perform without delay. Indì akó makadalikát sa pagdúaw sa ínyo. I have no time to pay you a visit at once. Dalikatá ang maís dídto, kay malapít ang ulán. Be quick with the corn there, for the rain is near. Dalikatí akó sa pagbakál sing tátlo ka abáno. Buy me quickly three cigars. (see dalî).