Search result(s) - alányon



See alánion, alaníhon id. from áni-to harvest rice with the kayóg.



(H) See alaníhon, alányon.



The rice-harvest; to harvest rice by means of a small rice-cutter called a "kayóg". Magaáni kamí sa buás. We will harvest rice tomorrow. Ania or ánya ang humáy mo, kay gúlang na. Harvest your rice, for it is ripe. Iníng talámnan sang maís ginánian or ginányan ko sang duhá ka búlan. I got a crop of rice from this corn-field two months ago. Mangáni or manganíhan pa kamí. We are going to work at harvesting rice. Indì mo pagpaaníhon ang mga táo sa ádlaw nga Domíngo kon waláy kabangdánan nga dakû. Don't order-, permit-, the people to harvest rice on Sunday without grave reason. Ginpaáni ko sa íla ang tungâ sang ákon humáy kag ang tungâ ginpagálab ko sa íla. I let them harvest one half of my rice with the rice-cutter (kayóg), and one half I ordered them to cut with the sickle. Indì na nákon pag-ipaáni sa táo ang ákon talámnan, kóndì ipagálab ko lang, kay pagahimúslan ko man ang dagámi. I will no longer permit the harvesters to cut the rice on my field with the kayóg, but I will order them to cut it with the sickle, for then I shall get some profit out of the straw as well. (see alányon, alaníhon-rice to be harvested).



To assemble, gather, collect, foregather, come together. Ang mga pamatán-on kon gáb-i gánì nga masánag ang búlan nagahímbon sa kinurúsan sang dálan. The young people on moonlight nights come together at the cross-roads. Himboná silá sa baláy. Gather them together in the house. Himboní akó sing duhá ka púlò ka manganganí, kay ipaáni ko sa íla ang ákon alányon. Gather for me twenty rice-harvesters, for I will get them to reap my rice crop. (see típon, dúguk, hinúbonhúbon, ímpon, talampúyuk).



To glean, pick out, select, gather, cut the best ears with the rice cutter, collect the best or passable ears from a bad crop or from a crop spoilt by the action of birds, insects, etc. and leave the rest alone. Saghawá ang humáy. Gather the best rice-ears (and leave the rest in the field). Kúl-aw gid ang ámon pinatubás sa karón nga túig; sinaghawán lang námon ang ámon talámnan. This year we had a bad harvest; we just (picked out and) gathered the better ears from our rice-land (and left the rest as pasture for the cattle, etc.). Saghawá ang nabilín nga alányon. Gather what is left of the rice-crop. (see ág-ag, panálà, panagílò).



Very young, immature rice prepared as food. The ubás is still more immature than the rice used for making límbok. When still in the ear this immature rice is called ulubáson and lubkánon respectively. (see marô, múging-rice-flower; alányon-mature rice ready for reaping).



Very young, immature rice prepared as food. The ubás is still more immature than the rice used for making límbok. When still in the ear this immature rice is called ulubáson and lubkánon respectively. (see marô, múging-rice-flower; alányon-mature rice ready for reaping).



Immature rice, rice still less mature than the lubkánon. (see ubás, alányon-rice ripe for the harvest).



Immature rice, rice still less mature than the lubkánon. (see ubás, alányon-rice ripe for the harvest).