Search result(s) - índì



A verbal prefix like "i-", but with the additional meaning of the adaptability of a material to, or the possibility of, an action. Indì ko pagibalígyà iní sa ímo. I will not sell you this. Índì ko ikabalígyà iní sa ímo, kay dílì ákon. I cannot sell it to you, for it does not belong to me.



Condition of being dense, compact; close or near together, crowded; to be close or near together, dense, compact, with little space between. Nagaíkit ang humáy sa ákon umá. The rice on my field is growing thick. Indì nínyo pagikíton ang pagtanúm sing lubí. Do not plant the coconuts too close together. Naikítan akó sináng mga lubí. It seems to me that those coconuts are crowded. Magídas kamó sing íkit, dílì sing lakâ. Stand in a row close together, not far apart. (see garót, gutúk).



Condition of being dense, compact; close or near together, crowded; to be close or near together, dense, compact, with little space between. Nagaíkit ang humáy sa ákon umá. The rice on my field is growing thick. Indì nínyo pagikíton ang pagtanúm sing lubí. Do not plant the coconuts too close together. Naikítan akó sináng mga lubí. It seems to me that those coconuts are crowded. Magídas kamó sing íkit, dílì sing lakâ. Stand in a row close together, not far apart. (see garót, gutúk).



Wild, savage, ferocious, not domestic, undomesticated, untamed, not tame; to be or become wild, etc. Nagilá ang manók, báboy, etc. The chicken, the pig, etc. has become wild. Indì mo pagpailahón ang manók. Don't let the chicken run wild.



Wild, savage, ferocious, not domestic, undomesticated, untamed, not tame; to be or become wild, etc. Nagilá ang manók, báboy, etc. The chicken, the pig, etc. has become wild. Indì mo pagpailahón ang manók. Don't let the chicken run wild.



(H) To scorch, roast over a fire, toast, burn superficially. Ilába lang ang maís sa pagbóog, agúd áton makáon sa madalî. Just toast the corn, when you roast it, so that we may be able to eat it soon. Indì mo pagilábon ang kárne, kóndì bóg-on mo sa bága. Do not simply scorch the meat in a flame, but roast it over glowing coals. (see sílab, sírab).



(H) To scorch, roast over a fire, toast, burn superficially. Ilába lang ang maís sa pagbóog, agúd áton makáon sa madalî. Just toast the corn, when you roast it, so that we may be able to eat it soon. Indì mo pagilábon ang kárne, kóndì bóg-on mo sa bága. Do not simply scorch the meat in a flame, but roast it over glowing coals. (see sílab, sírab).



To smell, sniff at, snuff, run after, pursue (as a bull after a cow), nuzzle, be nice to, wheedle, cajole, flatter, caress. Indì ka magílong sa íya. Don't run after him-or-Don't try to win favour with him. Ilóngi siá. Coax him-or-Win him over by flattery, etc.



To smell, sniff at, snuff, run after, pursue (as a bull after a cow), nuzzle, be nice to, wheedle, cajole, flatter, caress. Indì ka magílong sa íya. Don't run after him-or-Don't try to win favour with him. Ilóngi siá. Coax him-or-Win him over by flattery, etc.



Poor, pauper, without wealth; to be or become poor, indigent, penniless, penurious, destitute, pinched, straitened. Imol siá. He is poor. Nagímol siá. He became poor. Naimólan gid akó sa íya. He seems to me to be very poor. Ginpaímol siá sang Mahál nga Diós, kay bugalón siá sádto ánay. God deprived him of his worldly goods, because he used to be so proud. Indì ka magpakaímol. Don't pretend to be poor. Imol siá, konó, ápang sang pagdúaw ko sa íya walâ gid akó pagimóli sang íya baláy. They say he is poor, but when I visited him his house did not appear to me to be poor. (see dungúl, póbre).



Poor, pauper, without wealth; to be or become poor, indigent, penniless, penurious, destitute, pinched, straitened. Imol siá. He is poor. Nagímol siá. He became poor. Naimólan gid akó sa íya. He seems to me to be very poor. Ginpaímol siá sang Mahál nga Diós, kay bugalón siá sádto ánay. God deprived him of his worldly goods, because he used to be so proud. Indì ka magpakaímol. Don't pretend to be poor. Imol siá, konó, ápang sang pagdúaw ko sa íya walâ gid akó pagimóli sang íya baláy. They say he is poor, but when I visited him his house did not appear to me to be poor. (see dungúl, póbre).



(B) Parsimony, stint, niggardliness, stinginess; to be or become stingy, niggardly, close, parsimonious, mean, miserly. Indì ka magímot sa mga ímol. Don't be stingy toward the poor. Imóti (ímti) ang ímo pagkáon. Take little food, eat very sparingly. Ginaimótan akó sang ákon agálon. My master stints me. Naimótan akó siníng táo. I consider this man a miser. (see dingót, ínot).



(B) Parsimony, stint, niggardliness, stinginess; to be or become stingy, niggardly, close, parsimonious, mean, miserly. Indì ka magímot sa mga ímol. Don't be stingy toward the poor. Imóti (ímti) ang ímo pagkáon. Take little food, eat very sparingly. Ginaimótan akó sang ákon agálon. My master stints me. Naimótan akó siníng táo. I consider this man a miser. (see dingót, ínot).



class="hw">in-, The prefix in-and the intercalation-in-are often used:

1) instead of gin-and na-to form the past passive, e.g. inabután (ginabután, naabután) from abút-to arrive; binúhat (ginbúhat, nabúhat) from búhat-to make; hinadlukán (ginhadlukán, nahadlukán) from hádluk-to fear, etc.

2) to denote an often repeated action or an action by many, e.g. nagahinámpang (nagahilinámpang, nagahalámpang) silá-they are playing. (hámpang-to play); nagagiliniósgíos silá-they are moving. (gíos-to move).

3) to form verbs from adjectives, e. g. támad-lazy. Indì ka magtinamád. Don't be lazy.

4) to form a great number of adjectives, e.g. mainamlígon-careful from ámlig-to be careful, etc.



class="hw">in-, The prefix in-and the intercalation-in-are often used:

1) instead of gin-and na-to form the past passive, e.g. inabután (ginabután, naabután) from abút-to arrive; binúhat (ginbúhat, nabúhat) from búhat-to make; hinadlukán (ginhadlukán, nahadlukán) from hádluk-to fear, etc.

2) to denote an often repeated action or an action by many, e.g. nagahinámpang (nagahilinámpang, nagahalámpang) silá-they are playing. (hámpang-to play); nagagiliniósgíos silá-they are moving. (gíos-to move).

3) to form verbs from adjectives, e. g. támad-lazy. Indì ka magtinamád. Don't be lazy.

4) to form a great number of adjectives, e.g. mainamlígon-careful from ámlig-to be careful, etc.



Diminution, lessening, deterioration, loss of quality or quantity. Sing masúnsun gingámit mo inâ nga báyò, ápang túbtub karón walâ gid sing ín-in; dáw bág-o gihápon. You have used that dress quite often, but till now it is not the worse for wear, it is still like new. Walâ gid sing ín-in ang kadalísay siníng lánggaw, bisán nasimbúgan na sing túbig. This vinegar has not lost its strength, though it has been mixed with water. Ang humáy dirâ sa tabungós daw walâ sing ín-in, gái nabuhínan ko sing duhá ka gántang. The rice in the tabungós-basket seems to have been left intact, though as a matter of fact I have taken two gantas from it. Also, but seldom, used as a verb: Indì magín-in iníng salsálon, bató nga bantíling, etc. This iron, solid stone, etc., will not wear out, will not rust, crumble, lose strength or the like. (see búhin, íban).



Diminution, lessening, deterioration, loss of quality or quantity. Sing masúnsun gingámit mo inâ nga báyò, ápang túbtub karón walâ gid sing ín-in; dáw bág-o gihápon. You have used that dress quite often, but till now it is not the worse for wear, it is still like new. Walâ gid sing ín-in ang kadalísay siníng lánggaw, bisán nasimbúgan na sing túbig. This vinegar has not lost its strength, though it has been mixed with water. Ang humáy dirâ sa tabungós daw walâ sing ín-in, gái nabuhínan ko sing duhá ka gántang. The rice in the tabungós-basket seems to have been left intact, though as a matter of fact I have taken two gantas from it. Also, but seldom, used as a verb: Indì magín-in iníng salsálon, bató nga bantíling, etc. This iron, solid stone, etc., will not wear out, will not rust, crumble, lose strength or the like. (see búhin, íban).



(H) That, that there (not so far away as "yádto" nor so near as "iní"). Amó inâ. That's it. Kon amó inâ índì akó makakádto dídto. If that is so, I cannot go there. Kuháa ináng (inâ nga) líbro dirâ. Take away that book over there. Dílì inâ, kóndì yádto dídto. Not that one, but the one over there, farther on. (see diá, riá).



(H) That, that there (not so far away as "yádto" nor so near as "iní"). Amó inâ. That's it. Kon amó inâ índì akó makakádto dídto. If that is so, I cannot go there. Kuháa ináng (inâ nga) líbro dirâ. Take away that book over there. Dílì inâ, kóndì yádto dídto. Not that one, but the one over there, farther on. (see diá, riá).



To go or pass over frequently, repeatedly, as over a path, a book, a lesson, etc.; to harden by being gone over, as a road, etc. Naínas na ang dálan. The road is now trodden hard. Ginínas ko yanáng líbro. I had often gone through that book-or-I perused it many times-or-I studied it well. Inása iníng alágyan. Make this footpath hard by going frequently over it. Pagainásan ka gid sing bánas sa ímo nga talámnan, kon índì ka magpatíndog sing maáyo nga kodál. You will certainly have a footpath trodden through your field, unless you erect a strong fence. (see hánas).

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