Search result(s) - níya



Head, head-piece, pate, noddle, brain-box, brain-pan, sconce, upper story, intellect; master, ruler, director, manager. Ginatágò níya ang íya ólo, ápang ang íya íkog nagamurá. He hides his head, but his tail appears. (Literally said of an iguana, but often applied to people who try to hide their doings, but who are found out). Walâ sing útbong kag walâ sing ólo. Neither head nor tail. Maáyo siá sing ólo. He has a good head i.e. he is very intelligent. (see pangólo).



The fist; to strike, punch, cuff, buffet, box with the fist. Omóli siá. Punch him. Inomólan níya akó. He struck me with the fist. Ginturâturáan níya akó sang íya nga ómol (inómol). He shook his fist at me.



The fist; to strike, punch, cuff, buffet, box with the fist. Omóli siá. Punch him. Inomólan níya akó. He struck me with the fist. Ginturâturáan níya akó sang íya nga ómol (inómol). He shook his fist at me.



An upper garment, a garment worn over another; to put on an additional garment. Magóslob ka lang sang bág-o mo nga delárgo-or-ióslob lang ang bág-o mo nga delárgo. Just put on your new pair of trousers over the ones you have on. Ginoslobán níya ang maitúm nga delárgo sing maputî. He put on a pair of white trousers over the black ones.



An upper garment, a garment worn over another; to put on an additional garment. Magóslob ka lang sang bág-o mo nga delárgo-or-ióslob lang ang bág-o mo nga delárgo. Just put on your new pair of trousers over the ones you have on. Ginoslobán níya ang maitúm nga delárgo sing maputî. He put on a pair of white trousers over the black ones.



To force air through the nose, as done by one who dislikes a smell, to snort. Nagaósngad siá, kay dílì níya maíro ang báhò sináng mga siápò. He is blowing through his nose, for he cannot stand the smell of those crushed sugarcane stalks. Ginosngarán nákon ang báhò sináng mga ísdà. The smell of that fish made me snort. (see úsngad, púsnga).



To force air through the nose, as done by one who dislikes a smell, to snort. Nagaósngad siá, kay dílì níya maíro ang báhò sináng mga siápò. He is blowing through his nose, for he cannot stand the smell of those crushed sugarcane stalks. Ginosngarán nákon ang báhò sináng mga ísdà. The smell of that fish made me snort. (see úsngad, púsnga).



A very frequently used prefix with the following meanings:

1) Movement or direction towards, e.g. paidálum-downwards, down; paibábaw-upward, up; nagpamanílà siá. He has gone to Manila. Nagapabugál siá. He is on the road to pride, i.e. he is getting proud, is haughty, overbearing. Nagapadayáw siá. He is vain. Nagapabungúl siá. He is acting as if he were deaf, is stubborn, disobedient, heedless, does not listen, etc.

2) Efficient cause, e.g. Sín-o ang nagpatíndog sang halígi? Who set up the post? Ang isá ka alakáyo saráng makapakádlaw sa mga táo. A joker can make people laugh. Ginpahalín níla ang matámad nga sologoón. They discharged the lazy servant. Patalumá ang binángon. Sharpen the bolo. Pinabálik níya ang sulát. He sent the letter back, etc.

3) Order or command (quite frequently to be performed by a third person), e.g. Patáwga si Pédro (sa) kay Huán. Ipatawág si Huán (sa) kay Pédro. Order (Get) Peter to call John. Padálhi akó sing túbig. Send me some water. Get someone to bring me water. Palutói akó sing panyága. Have dinner prepared for me. Order someone to cook the dinner for me. Palutóa ang kosinéro sang panyága. Ipalútò ang panyága sa kosinéro. Order the cook to get dinner ready. Ipaábat siá. Send somebody-after him,-to call him here, etc.

4) Toleration or sufferance, e.g. Pahampangá lang dirâ ang mga bátà. Just let the boys play there. Pabayái (Pabáy-i) lang silá. Leave them alone. Let them do what they like. Pasakayá (Pasákya) siá sa ímo salákyan. Give him a lift in your vehicle. Let him ride in your car (carriage). Indì mo silá pagpasúgtan. Don't allow them to have their will. Don't grant their request. Don't approve their proposal. Indì ka magpabúang, magpadáyà, etc. Don't allow yourself to be fooled, cheated, etc. Mapapuút pa akó ánay sang ulán kag ogáling mapadáyon akó sang ákon panglakátan. I'll let the rain stop first (I am waiting for the rain to stop) and then I shall continue the march, etc.

N.B. It should be borne in mind that the context alone can determine the exact meaning of pa-(usually, for convenience' sake, called the Causative). Hence in this dictionary when words with the prefix pa-occur, the translation does not exclude meanings other than the one given.



To shed, cause to flow (tears, etc.). Nagpaágay siá sing mapaít nga mga lúhà. She shed bitter tears. Indì mo pagpaagáyon ang íya mga lúhà. Don't make her cry. Ginpaagáyan níya sing madámù nga mga lúhà ang íya anák nga napatáy. She shed many tears over her dead child. (pa, ágay).



To make or let follow in regular order. Paagisóda (-óra) ang mga bátà sonô sa íla kataasón. Let the children follow each other in line according to their size. Ginpaagísod níya silá sa kúbay. He made them march in single file, follow one another, as in a procession. (pa, agísod).



To advance money at a high rate of interest, the loan to be paid back in agricultural products. Paalilíha siá sing ápat ka písos. Advance him four pesos. Ipaalíli lang sa íya iníng kwárta. Loan him this money on the basis of an alíli contract. Ginpaalilíhan akó níya sing isá ka gatús ka mángmang. He lent me one hundred pesos on an alíli-contract. (pa, alíli).



To allure, entice, attract. Ang mga búlak nagapaamág sang putyókan. Flowers attract bees. Ginpaamág níya si Fuláno sang íya ngga kaúgdang kag maáyo nga batásan. She attracted N.N. by her modesty and virtue. Paamagá si tútò sang kalan-ónon or ipaamág sa kay tútò ang mga kalan-ónon. Gain the attachment of the little darling by giving him some pastry. (pa, amág).



To prepare, make-, get-, ready; to warn, notify, inform. Tungúd siní gánì ginapaáman ko sa tanán nga--. For this very reason I am warning (giving notice to) everyone that--. Ginapaáman níya nga dáan sa ákon nga--. He had informed me beforehand that--. (pa, áman).



(B) To exaggerate, boast, overstate, brag, vaunt. Nagapaámbaw gid siá sang súgid. Ginapaambawán gid níya ang súgid. He made the most of the story. He gave a highly coloured account of the story. (see palabáw, palakás, wákal, hágak, etc.).



To let share, share with, give a share or part to, make or let participate in or partake of. Paambitón ko siá sináng mga páhò. I will let him have some of those mangoes. Ipaámbit ko sa íya iníng humáy. I am going to give him part of this rice. Paambitá akó sang maáyo mo nga kapaláran. Let me share in your good fortune. Ginpaambitán níya sa ákon ang íya kalípay. He let me share in his joy. He shared his joy with me. (pa, ámbit).



To collect, cause or request to contribute; a collection, contribution. Magbúhat kitá sing isá ka paámot. Let us get up a collection. Paamóta silá sing tagnapúlò ka sentimós. Let them contribute ten centavos each. Paamóti ang bág-o nga simbáhan. Try to get contributions for the new church. Ginpaamótan níya sa íla ang mga linggánay. He made them contribute towards the bells. (pa, ámot).



To accustom to, make used to, break in to, inure, practise, train. Paánda (Paanára) siá sa pagpangabúdlay. Accustom him to hard work. Pinaánad níya ang íya ídò sa paglangóy. He trained his dog to swim. (see pabuyó).



To put in front of, confront with, hold before one's eyes. Ginpaatubángan níya ang buyóng sang pusíl. He confronted the robber with the rifle. He pointed the rifle at the robber. (pa, atúbang).



To speak amicably to, treat well, make amenable, coax, wheedle, ingratiate oneself with, treat with all kindness, bring round by sweet talk. Paayónayóni siá, agúd íya ikáw bulígan. Speak nicely to him, that he may help you. Coax him to help you. Pinaayónayónan níya akó sa pagpahulám sa íya sing pílak. He spoke to me very suavely in order to get me to lend him some money. (see lígay).

paayón, paáyon


In the direction of; to go towards, make for; to point or direct towards, aim at. Pinayonán níya akó sang íya nga lúthang. He pointed his rifle at me. (see áyon, pa).

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