Search result(s) - masakít



For instance, for example; to imagine, think, say. Hunâhunáon ta, ábi, nga-. Let us imagine, for example, that-. Kon magmasakít ikáw, ábi, ánhon mo? If you should get sick, say, what would you do? Anó, ábi, ang mahanabû kon-? What do you think will happen, if-? Also used ironically and sarcastically, especially in the phrase: Abi mo? Do you really think so? implying that he who thinks so is quite wrong, very imprudent, foolish, and the like.



To tease, to stroke or caress a child against its will, to pat or fondle a child averse to such handling till it cries, gets angry or runs away. Ahosá siá. Tease him. Ipaahós mo sa íya ang bátà. Let him tease the baby. Nagmasakít ang bátà kay inahós ni Fulána nga áswang. The baby got sick, because the witch N.N. had caressed it or had teased it. (see ulít, tiáw-tíaw, lahóg-láhog).



To look out of a window, watch, observe, gaze out, thrust out or pop out one's head, to visit, inspect, oversee, superintend. Anghawá kon sín-*o ang árà sa idálum. Pop out your head and see who is down there. Anghawí kamí dirí sa sílong sang baláy. Look down at us here underneath the house. Iánghaw sa ámon ang ímong nawóng. Show us your face. Walâ ka gid magánghaw sa ábyan mo nga nagmasakit. You have not visited your friend who has fallen sick. (see gáwa, láaw, lántaw, bísta, bisíta, dúaw).

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