To calm down, become calm or quiet, subside, die down, abate, quell. Nagúgdaw na ang kaláyo, ang íya kaákig, etc. The fire has subsided now, his anger has calmed down, etc. Paugdawá ang íya dumút. Quell his hatred. Induce him to quell his hatred. (see lúgpay, táwhay, linóng, hagánhágan).
To calm down, become calm or quiet, subside, die down, abate, quell. Nagúgdaw na ang kaláyo, ang íya kaákig, etc. The fire has subsided now, his anger has calmed down, etc. Paugdawá ang íya dumút. Quell his hatred. Induce him to quell his hatred. (see lúgpay, táwhay, linóng, hagánhágan).
To fall or break asunder, disintegrate, fall to pieces, crumble. Nagapúgdaw ang mga sinipád sang búlak. The petals of the flower are dropping off, the flower is falling to pieces. (see púgday).