Search result(s) - agám



Fragrance, sweet smell, agreeable odour, perfume, scent; to be or become fragrant, sweet-smelling, scented, odoriferous. Iníng matahúm nga búlak walâ sing ámion (kaámion). This beautiful flower has no scent. Nagámion na ang hulút tungúd sináng mga búlak. The room became fragrant on account of those flowers. Naamionán akó siní nga búlak, ápang si Fuláno nabahoán. I like the smell of this flower, but N.N. dislikes it. Ang kalabánan sang mga búlak nga dirâ sa ámon pamulákan nagapangámion. Most of the flowers in our garden are fragrant. (see kaámion, maámion, pangámion, ámyon, hamút, humút).



Very touchy, extremely sensitive, thin-skinned, crying upon the least occasion, etc. Amog nga bátà. A very touchy child. Also: to be or become touchy, etc. Sán-o pa ikáw magámog? When did you become so touchy? Since when are you so sensitive? Naamogán kamí sa íya. We consider him, very touchy. Indì ka maginámog. Don't be over-sensitive. Indì ka magpatámà sang ímo pagkaámog. Don't go too far in your sensitiveness. (see bingít, pawíkan).

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