Search result(s) - buút



Will, intention, mind, reason, understanding, intelligence; to will, want, desire, wish, intend, direct, do as one pleases, set one's heart upon. Anó ang buút mo? What is your will, intention? What do you want? Iníng bátà walâ pa sing buút. This child has not yet come to the use of reason. Maáyo siá sing buút. He has good intentions, has a kind heart. Ang buút ko nga magmaáyo ang ákon anák. It is my wish that my child should become good. Ginabút-an níya ang tanán nga kadapátan sa sulúd sang baláy. Everything in the house is subject to his will or direction. Bút-a na lang siá. Now, just accept him (as your bridegroom). Ginbút-an níya ang pagpuní sang simbáhan. He directed-, looked after-, superintended-, the decorating of the church. Nagágaw siá sang ákon dútà, kay ginbuút níya. He took possession of my land, because he had set his heart on it. Bátok inâ sa ákon buút. That is (was) against my wishes (see kabubút-on).



To quicken-, hasten-, the ripening of fruit by wrapping it up in leaves or the like and putting it in a sheltered place. Buúta ang ságing. Quicken the ripening of the bananas by the búut-method. Ibúut akó ánay sing mga páhò. Kindly ripen some mangoes for me by the búut-method. Iníng tabungós amó ang pagabuútan ko sing mga páhò. I shall use this basket for quickening the ripening of mangoes.



Also: to be about, be on the point of. Sang buút siá-mamatáy,-magsakáy pa Manílà, etc. When he was-about to die,-on the point of embarking for Manila, etc.



Dim. of abó. Of an ash colour, ash-coloured, grey, ashy pale. Ang buút ko kaúnon ang páho nga abó-ábo na. I like to eat mangoes that are ash-coloured i. e. nearly ripe, Ang íya kálò kag sapátos abó-ábo. His hat and boots are grey.

bút-an, bút-on


etc. From buút-will, etc.



Prudent; wise, intelligent; well-behaved, modest, docile. (see buút, kalágan).



To cram, ram, wad, stuff, fill, pack, press-, squeeze-, in. Dasoká ang sulúd sang maléta. Pack the contents of the suitcase tight. Dáski (for dasokí) ang ulúnan ko sing dúldul, kay buút akó sang matígdas. Stuff the pillow tight with cotton, for I like a hard one.



Addition, augmentation, increment, increase, accretion, accession, supplement, complement, codicil; to add, augment, increase, superadd, subjoin, accrue, superpose, superimpose, throw in or on (as an addition). Nagadúgang pa ang bahâ sang subâ. The flood of the river is still on the increase. Nagadúgang gid lámang ang íya mga kalisúd. His difficulties are becoming more numerous. Dugángi ang súd-an. Increase the quantity of the side-dishes. Gindugángan níla ang mga mamumugón, agúd madalî matápus ang dálan. They have added more workmen, in order that the road may be finished soon. Dugángi ang asín sa sópas. Put more salt in the soup. Idúgang mo lang iníng duhá ka nahót nga kawáyan sa ísa ka gatús nga binakál ko sa ímo. Just add these two pieces of bamboo to the hundred I bought from you. Dugángan pa sang kosinéro ang túbig sa kólon?-Hóo, padugánga siá, kon buút siá magdúgang sang túbig. Shall the cook put more water into the rice-kettle?-Yes, let him put in more, if he likes to increase the quantity of water. May dúgang pa? Is there still something to be added? Gindúgang pa gid níya ang pilá ka dinalán sa ákon sulát. He added a few lines-, a postscript-, to my letter. (see túbò, áman, támba, támban).



(H) Memory, recollection, retrospect; memorable, to be remembered, worth remembering, worthy of-remembrance,-commemoration. Buút siá malágyo siníng dulumdúmon. He would like to escape the recollection of this. Ang isá ka dulumdúmon gid nga tabô. A very memorable event. (dúmdum).



To be pleased or gratified; pahamúot-to please, gratify, delight, show affection or good will. Magpahamúot ka sa ímo isigkatáo. Try to please your neighbour. Pinahamút-an níya si Fuláno. He showed good will to-, tried or wished to please-, N.N. Ginahamútan sang Mahál nga Diós ang mga pangamúyò sang mga matárung. God is pleased with the prayers of the just. Nagakahamúot silá sinâ. They like it, are pleased with it. Takús nímo igkahamúot inâ. You should (ought to) be pleased with it. (see buút, hamút-ay).



To come to, arrive at (by chance, accidentally). Naghiabút siá sa isá ka masubô nga kahimtángan. He came to a sorry plight. Walâ pa maghiabút ang sugilánon níla nahanungúd sináng mga butáng. Their conversation has not yet touched on those subjects. Si Pédro kag si António buút gid makigáway, ápang túbtub karón walâ silá gihápon maghiabutáy. Peter and Anthony are anxious for a fight, but up till now they have not met. Básì pa lang nga mahiabután mo ang ímo ginahándum. Let us hope that you may be able to reach the goal of your desires. (see abút, hiábut).



Scale (of a fish, etc.); to scale, strip or clear of scales, scrape off the scales; to see, have a look at, examine. Nagahímbis siá sang ísdà. He is scraping off the scales of the fish. Himbisí ang ísdà. Scale the fish. Ihímbis akó ánay siníng bángrus. Kindly scale this bangrus-fish for me. Ginahimbisán (ginapanghimbisán) sang mga ginikánan ang táo nga buút mangasáwa sa íla bátà. The parents are scrutinizing the man that wants to marry their daughter.



On the contrary, but, but rather, however. Buút siá magdaúg sa ákon sa dúmug, hinonóo gánì siá amó ang nabúntol. He wished to defeat me in wrestling, but after all it was he who was thrown. "Dî mo kamí ipapagdaúg sa panuláy, hinonóo pamawíon mo kamí sa kaláut". "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil", (see tapát, agád).



(B) To finish a meal, end a repast; dessert, fruits or sweetmeats served after a meal. Anó ang buút mo ihinungá? Ságing o kalámayhátì? What would you like for dessert? Bananas or "kalamayhátì? (see tungá, úndang, hingúndang).



To enwrap in leaves, ripen artificially fruit that has been picked green. (see búut id. Hoóma-buúta).



To draw, unsheathe (a sword, etc.). Hós-a (hosoá) ang sáble sa tagúb. Draw the sword from its scabbard. Hós-i akó sang binángon. Unsheathe the bolo for me. Sa hinálì nagákig siá, hinós-an níya akó sang binángon kag buút siá maglabô sa ákon. Suddenly he got angry, drew his bolo at me and wanted to slash me. Ihosô akó ánay siníng binángon, kay akó índì makadaúg. Please unsheathe this bolo for me, for I am not able to do it. Hós-on mo ang tigíb sa ápal. Wrench the handle off the chisel. (see húnus, gúnut, hábnus).



Will, wish, intention, mind, resolve, plan, scheme. (buút).



Prudence, intelligence, good behaviour, docility. (buút).



To cover as with a mantle; to grasp, seize, take possession of, appropriate. Daw buút níya kapahán ang tanán nga mánggad sa kalibútan. It seems as if he would like to seize all the wealth of the world. Ginkapahán níya ang tanán nga pílak nga nagsulúd. He appropriated all the money that came in. (see karipón, ángkon).



To disturb, stir up, excite, interfere with. Ayáw kutibawá ang putyúkan kon índì ka buút kutúton. Don't disturb the bees, if you don't like to be stung. (see labúgay, súdyot, pasilabút, pakitarakáng).

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