Search result(s) - súdyot



To incite, stimulate, urge, tempt. (see súgyot, súplut, tulúd, sútsut, sótsot).



(H) Dim. and Freq. of galít. To tease a little, irk, weary, disturb, bore; incite, provoke. (see tulúd, súgyot, súdyot).



(B) To provoke, tease, urge on, incite. (see galít, garít, súdyot, tulúd).



To disturb, stir up, excite, interfere with. Ayáw kutibawá ang putyúkan kon índì ka buút kutúton. Don't disturb the bees, if you don't like to be stung. (see labúgay, súdyot, pasilabút, pakitarakáng).



To incite, urge, stir up, impel, push, instigate. Ginsótsot ni Fuláno ang íya útud nga awáyon akó. N.N. incited his brother to-fight,-quarrel, with me. (see súdyot, súgyot, tulúd).



To urge on, egg on, tempt, induce, stir up, agitate, excite, provoke, arouse, instigate. Ginsúgyot níya siá sa pagpadáyon sang kasábà. He urged him on to continue the lawsuit. Indì mo siá pagsugyotón sa pagpahalín sang íya agsadór. Don't induce him to dismiss (send away) his leaseholder. Si Eba nagpasúgyot sa yáwà. Eve allowed herself to be seduced by the devil. (see súdyot id.).



To incite, induce, urge, influence, instigate, lead into, persuade, tempt. Indì mo siá pagsuplutón sa pagbúhat sing maláin. Don't tempt him to do wrong. (see súdyot, súgyot, sótsot).



Invitation, persuasion, inducing, urging; to urge, induce, persuade, incite, instigate, prevail upon, attract, allure, entice, draw. Yakatá ang bátà sa pagkádlaw. Make the baby laugh. Induce the baby (by playing with it, or the like) to laugh. Iyakát akó siníng bátà sa pagkasádya (sa pagkádlaw). Please do something to-entertain,-amuse, the baby (to make it laugh). Ginyakát akó níya sa pagtámbong sa báile. He induced me to go to the dance. Walâ kúntà silá sing lúyag sa pagsugál, ápang si Fuláno sa íla ang nagyakát. Really they had no desire to gamble, but N.N. induced them to play at cards. Silíng níla mahípus siá; índì man galî, kay ginyakát nínyo. They said he was a quiet (silent, taciturn) man; but he is not, as (you saw yourself when) you drew him out (paid much attention to him). Walâ gid siá sing gána sa pagtán-aw sang síni, kon índì pagyakatón. She has no desire to go to a moving-picture theatre; she has to be prompted. Hinúgay kamó sang gáhud dirâ! Ari si Kwan ay, nagapangyakát (sang gáhud)! Stop that noise there! But, good (great) heavens, that fellow, what's his name, is always so rowdy, boisterous, inciting others to make a noise. Amó gid inâ ang kinaugálì siní nga bátà nga walâ pagkádlaw? Yakatá, kay tan-awón ta. Is that the baby without a smile? Just play with it and let us see. (see hágad, ágda, tulúd, ís-is, galít, sótsot, súdyot).