To invite, to ask or request one's presence. Agdahá siá. Invite him. Ginágda mo na ang tanán mo nga mga ábyan? Have you invited all your friends? Ang áton piésta pagaagdahán ko sing madámù nga mga Párì. I shall invite many priests to assist at our feast. I shall request the presence of many priests at our feast. Ari na ang mga inágda. The invited guests are now here. Nalipatán níya sa pagágda sánday Pedro. Paagdahón ko siá sa íla or ipaágda ko silá sa íya. He forgot to invite Peter and his friends or Peter and his family. I'll make him invite them. Padálhan ko siá kuntánì sing sulát nga iágda ko sa íya, ápang walâ gánì akó kasáyod kon diín siá nagapuyô karón. I should like to send him a letter of invitation, but I do not know where he is staying at present. (see abiár, hágad, kángay, )
(Sp. a la capa) For appearance only, for politeness' sake, coldly formal, not heartily or sincerely. Gin-*ágda man akó níya, hóo, ápang alakápa lang. He invited me also, yes, but only to keep up appearances. Nagtámbong man siá, ápang alakápa lang, dílì hutúhut. He put in an appearance too, but in a coldly formal way, not with right goodwill. (see pasamústra, pakuláhaw id.).
To invite, call to, request one's presence or company; to lead by the hand, guide, help along a road or the like. Dapíta siá. Invite him. Dapíti ang kalasálon sang isá ka bánda nga músika. Engage a band for the marriage-feast. Idápit akó ánay sa íya. Please invite him for me or in my name. Sa tanán nga mga dinápit diótay lámang ang mga nagtalámbong. Of all those that were invited only a few attended. Dinapítan níla ang íla pándut sing madámù nga mga Párì. They invited many priests to assist at their feast. Gindápit níya ang bátà. He led the baby or child by the hand. Dapíta iníng tigúlang nga táo sa íya paglakát sa dálan. Help this old man along the road. Guide-, lead-, support-him on his way along the road. (see ágda, kángay, hágad).
To invite, persuade, request, tempt, induce, bias, move, bring-over,-around, allure, entice, ask-to come,-assist,-to take part in. Hagáda (-ára) siá sa paghápit dirí. Invite him to call here. Ginhágad akó níya sa pagtámbong sa bulangán. He tempted me to go the cock-pit. Hagádi (-ári) akó sing mga táo nga magabúlig sa ákon olobráhon. Get some men to help me in my work. Hinagáran níla ang íla bádù sing madámù nga bisíta. They invited many guests to their banquet. Ihágad akó ánay sa íya. Please invite him on my behalf. Indì ka maghágad sa íya sa pagdúguk sa mga kalingáwlingáwan nga maláut. Don't entice him to take part in harmful diversions. (see ágda, kángay, dápit, dáhan).
(B) To engage, hire, invite, usually with the promise of pay. Ginakángay si Fuláno, ang músika, ang manugsírko, etc. N.N., the band, the circus-man, etc., are being invited (or engaged). Kinangáyan níla ang pándut sing orkésta. They hired an orchestra for the feastday. Ikángay akó ánay sang orkésta sa Miagáw. Please engage for me the Miagao orchestra. Kangáya ang kosinéro ni Fuláno sa áton tábad. Engage N.N.'s cook for our banquet. (see ágda, hágad).
Inviting, alluring, enticing, charming, attractive; hospitable, generous. (see ágda).
Freq. of ágda. To invite, etc.; invitation-card. Magpabálhag ka sing mga pangágda. Have some invitation cards printed.
(B) To invite to partake of a meal, offer a seat at table for the purpose of taking food. Sagdahá tána nga maígmà man rúgya. (Agdahá siá nga manyága dirí). Offer him a seat at the dining table. Kang pagabút ko rúgto ginságda nánda akó sa ihápon (nyápon). (Sang pagabút ko dídto ginágda níla akó sa panihápon). When I arrived there they invited me to have supper with them. (see ágda).
Invitation, persuasion, inducing, urging; to urge, induce, persuade, incite, instigate, prevail upon, attract, allure, entice, draw. Yakatá ang bátà sa pagkádlaw. Make the baby laugh. Induce the baby (by playing with it, or the like) to laugh. Iyakát akó siníng bátà sa pagkasádya (sa pagkádlaw). Please do something to-entertain,-amuse, the baby (to make it laugh). Ginyakát akó níya sa pagtámbong sa báile. He induced me to go to the dance. Walâ kúntà silá sing lúyag sa pagsugál, ápang si Fuláno sa íla ang nagyakát. Really they had no desire to gamble, but N.N. induced them to play at cards. Silíng níla mahípus siá; índì man galî, kay ginyakát nínyo. They said he was a quiet (silent, taciturn) man; but he is not, as (you saw yourself when) you drew him out (paid much attention to him). Walâ gid siá sing gána sa pagtán-aw sang síni, kon índì pagyakatón. She has no desire to go to a moving-picture theatre; she has to be prompted. Hinúgay kamó sang gáhud dirâ! Ari si Kwan ay, nagapangyakát (sang gáhud)! Stop that noise there! But, good (great) heavens, that fellow, what's his name, is always so rowdy, boisterous, inciting others to make a noise. Amó gid inâ ang kinaugálì siní nga bátà nga walâ pagkádlaw? Yakatá, kay tan-awón ta. Is that the baby without a smile? Just play with it and let us see. (see hágad, ágda, tulúd, ís-is, galít, sótsot, súdyot).
A kind of tree. See ádgaw.
Slowness, weakness, laziness; to do slowly,-leisurely,-lazily, to be slow at work, dilatory in execution, dull of understanding. Anó ang ginaágday mo? Why do you work so slowly? Indì ka magágday sa pagóbra or indì mo pagagdáyon ang pagóbra. Don't be lazy at work. (see hínay, lágway, lágday, lamínday, luyò, búndol, pákok).
Stair, staircase, stairway, ladder, flight of-stairs,-of steps, step-ladder; to apply or use a ladder. Hagdaní ang baláy mo. Provide your house with a flight of steps. Ihágdan ko iníng káhoy sa ákon baláy. I'll use this wood to make stairs for my house. Ginhagdanán níla ang baláy sing tápì, agúd maghapús ang pagsákà. They made a stair of planks to their house to make it easy to go up. Diín ang hágdan? Where is the ladder?
Staircase, place where the stair or ladder is attached; entrance. Diín ang hagdánan sang ínyo baláy? Where is the entrance to your house? (see hágdan).