Search result(s) - yáwat



Of use, useful, serviceable, advantageous, worth something, profitable, not to be thrown away; to be of use, etc.; to go to, become the (useful) property of, or the like. Yáwat seems always to be used with a following pa, e.g. Yáwat pa inâ. That is useful yet. It would be a pity to throw it away. Básì pa lang nga iyáwat pa sa ímo inâ. That may finally be given to you. You may yet become the proprietor of it. (see yádì, panginyáwat, pangunyádì).

ágdan, ágdang


Useful, serviceable, of use, worth something, capable, reliable. (see águd, pulús, yáwat, yádì).



Of use, worth something, etc. See yáwat. (see yádì, pangunyádì, panginyáwat).

-ay, (Short for -anay) A very frequently used suffix denoting reciprocity or an action by many, e.g. pilasáy, pinilasáy (pílas-to wound); bukaráy, binukaráy (búkad-to open, disclose); hikayáy, hinikayáy (híkay-to disparage, criticize); hikawáy, hinikawáy, (híkaw-to envy, spite); agawáy, inagawáy (ágaw-to snatch, take); sulátay, sinulátay (sulát-to write); minulayáy (múlay-to carp, cavil, run down); tabanáy, tinabanáy (tában-to run away with), etc. etc.



(B) Worth something, useful, of use, profitable, advantageous, serviceable; to be worth something, be useful, etc. Panigputá nínyo ang mga búnga kang kamúnsil ta; yádì pa riá bisán ibakál ta lang ti gas (ang bilí (báyad) na). (Sigputá nínyo ang mga búnga sang áton kamúnsil; yáwat pa inâ bisán ibakál lang náton sing gas (ang íya bilí (báyad). Gather together all our kamúnsil-fruit (pods); they are-useful,-of use,-worth something, even if only sufficient to buy a little kerosene (with the proceeds from their sale). (see yáwat, pangunyádì).



Selfish, covetous, miserly, stingy, close-fisted, egoistic, egotistic. (see simót, ímot, dingót, panginyáwat, parapangunyádì).



See palanginyáwat.



To be avaricious, covetous of more, be (inordinately) eager to increase one's possessions, to be selfish or greedy; to be anxious to take advantage of, to avail oneself of an opportunity. (see pangunyádî, himulús).



(B) Greediness, avarice, cupidity, covetousness; to be greedy or desirous of getting a larger share than others. Indì ka magpangabáng. Don't be greedy. (see pangunyádì, hákug, kágud, panginyáwat).



To get-, take-, covet-, more than others, desire a larger share, be very selfish, outdo others, take the greater part of. Nagahingalában siá sa pagkúhà sang humáy. He is taking more than his share of rice. Indì ka maghingalában sang sugilánon. Don't take upon yourself the largest share of the conversation. Hingalabáni siá sang súgid. Try to surpass him in talking. Ginhingalabánan níya ang íya mga útud sang mánggad nga binílin sang íla mga ginikánan. He overreached his brothers in getting the largest share of the property left by their parents. (see labán, pangunyádì, panginyáwat).



(B) To be very selfish or greedy, seek one's own advantage, to overreach. Dî mo siá pagpangunyadían (pagpanginyawátan). Don't overreach him. Don't cheat him out of money, goods, etc. (see panginyáwat).



(B) Selfish, stingy, miserly, covetous, close-fisted. (see palapanginyáwat, simót, dingót, maínot, pangunyádì).



(B) Probably derived from sági and íwat. The passive forms in -an (sagiwát-an) are mostly used in the meaning of: to be precarious, be in difficulties, to eke out; to utilize to the utmost, make a little go far, make good use of slender resources, or the like. Bisán maisót lang ang sóhol na, pay ginasagiwát-an na gid. (Bisán diótay lang ang íya sóhol, ápang ginapanginyawátan níya gid). Though his salary is small, yet he makes good use of it. Nasagiwát-an (Nawád-an, balasúbas) akó karón. At present I am out of cash, am hard up.