Search result(s) - labán



More than half, majority, the larger part or share; more, greater, larger (of quantity or numbers); to be, do, etc. more, exceed, surpass, outdo. Ang labán sang ákon humáy ginbalígyà ko na. I have sold more than half of my rice already. Ihátag mo sa íya ang tungâ sang tinápay, índì ka maglabán sa íya-or-índì mo siá paglabanán. Give him half of the bread, don't keep the larger share for yourself. Ginlabán níya ang paghátag sa kay Pédro. He gave Pedro more. Nalabanán akó níya sing duhá ka páhò. He got two mangoes more than I did.



To get-, take-, covet-, more than others, desire a larger share, be very selfish, outdo others, take the greater part of. Nagahingalában siá sa pagkúhà sang humáy. He is taking more than his share of rice. Indì ka maghingalában sang sugilánon. Don't take upon yourself the largest share of the conversation. Hingalabáni siá sang súgid. Try to surpass him in talking. Ginhingalabánan níya ang íya mga útud sang mánggad nga binílin sang íla mga ginikánan. He overreached his brothers in getting the largest share of the property left by their parents. (see labán, pangunyádì, panginyáwat).

The greater part or number, majority. (labán; see kadám-an).



To grumble, croak, clamour, mutter, growl, murmur, complain in the hope of getting redress. Ginkitíkot níya ang ákon báhin, kay, konó, labán ang ákon báhin. He complained about my share, for, he said, my share was larger than his. (see yámo).



To cheat, deceive, appropriate more than one's share, seize or take unlawfully, usurp, embezzle. Ginlakonán akó níya sing limá ka písos. He cheated me to the extent of five pesos. Ginlakón níya ang ákon kwárta. He embezzled or appropriated my money. Indì mo paglakonón ang íya nga umá. Don't cheat him out of his land, don't seize his land or part of it. (see lakúm, labán).

(H) Field of grass, meadow, grazing ground, grass land, pasturage, pasture land. (see hálab, halálban).



(Sp. garbanzo) A kind of chick-peas.



(Sp. lavandera) Washer-woman, laundress. (see mamumunák).



(Sp. lavandero) Washer-man, laundry-man. (see mamumunák).



To ensnare, catch, rope, tie or intercept with a rope. (The ends of the rope are held by two men, who, on the approach of the animal, throw the rope under its neck and then quickly change places so as to encircle the animal's neck with the rope). Maglábang ka sang kabáyo-or-labánga ang kabáyo. Catch the horse by means of a rope. (see lábay).



To take within one's range, encroach upon. See ábang.



Snare, noose; fetter, shackles; line, boundary, front, fighting line; trenches. (see lábang).



Line, boundary, military works of defence; trenches. (see labangán).



See talába.



Any person or object needing (worthy of) assistance. (tábang).



Fragrance, sweet smell, agreeable odour, perfume, scent; to be or become fragrant, sweet-smelling, scented, odoriferous. Iníng matahúm nga búlak walâ sing ámion (kaámion). This beautiful flower has no scent. Nagámion na ang hulút tungúd sináng mga búlak. The room became fragrant on account of those flowers. Naamionán akó siní nga búlak, ápang si Fuláno nabahoán. I like the smell of this flower, but N.N. dislikes it. Ang kalabánan sang mga búlak nga dirâ sa ámon pamulákan nagapangámion. Most of the flowers in our garden are fragrant. (see kaámion, maámion, pangámion, ámyon, hamút, humút).



Sourness, bitterness, acridity, acidity, acerbity, sharpness; to be or become sour, bitter, acrid, acid, acerb, biting, etc. Ginaaplodán (-orán) kitá sang kalabánan sang mga búnga nga línghod. Most unripe fruits are bitter to us. Naaplodán akó siníng kamúnsil. This camunsel-fruit is too acrid for me or the eating of this camunsel-fruit has given me an acid taste in my mouth.



Also: to foil, baffle, thwart, frustrate; to fail, be foiled, etc. Nabáng-aw (Nagkabáng aw, nagkalabáng-aw) ang (Nabang-awán silá sang) íla mga hándum. They failed to reach the object of their desires. Their hopes were disappointed.



To warp, twist, pull-, put-, out of shape. Ang kalabánan sang mga tápì nagabigóng sa ínit. Most wooden boards warp in the heat of the sun. Nagbigóng ang káhoy sa díngding. The wood in the partition-wall warped. Bigónga or pabigónga ang láta. Crumple or batter the can. Bigóngi ang kwárta sa kílid. Turn down the edge of the coin.



Increase, augmentation, progeny, offspring; to augment, increase, multiply. Ang kalabánan sang mga kágaw nagabúad sa támà nga kadásig. Most of the microbes multiply very rapidly. Iníng túbig nabuádan (nabuáran) sing madámù nga úlud. Many worms have been bred in this water. Ang mga báksat kag bitík dílì makabúad sa táo nga matínlo sing láwas kag panápton. Bugs and fleas cannot breed on a man that keeps his body and clothes clean. Amó iní ang ginabuáran sang mga báboy. This is the place where pigs are raised. Amó iní ang ginapabuáran ko sing mga báboy. Here I am breeding pigs. (see pamúad, buluarán, pabuluarán).

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