Search result(s) - buháng



Opening, gap, break, breach in a-dam,-dyke,-embankment,-levee, etc.; to open, breach a dam, etc. Buhángi ang kahón sang humáy. Make a gap in the bank of the rice-field. Ginbuhángan níla ang púnud sa subâ. They made a breach in the river-dyke. Ibúhang akó siníng púnud. Please, open this dyke for me. Nagasupón gid lang ang túbig dirí, kay walâ sing buhangán. The water, naturally, collects here, for there is no outlet.

bíhang, biháng


To discover, to open-, tear-, rend-, clothing so as to expose the skin. Amligí ang pamúngkò mo, kay básì mabihangán ikáw. Be careful in sitting down, lest you expose yourself. Figuratively: Katákatáhon mo sing maáyo ang mga kalán-on kag ilímnon nga natigána sa mga bisíta, kay básì makulángan kag bihangán kitá. Portion out well the food and drinks prepared for the visitors, for otherwise we may run short and be put to shame. (see búklang, gísì, búhang).



To open or break-a dam,-a bank,-a dyke,-a levee; to make a gap in a dyke. Sín-o ang nagbúlwang sang púnud? Who made the breach in the dyke? Ginbúlwang sang túbig ang pasákà. The water made a gap in the irrigation dam. Bulwangí ang kahón sa tungâtúngà sang talámnan. Make an opening in the dyke near the middle of the field. (see búhang, búlhang).



An interstice, crevice, chink, gap (in a floor, in wickerwork, in a weave, or the like); open, uncovered; to leave open or uncovered a part of the floor, etc. either intentionally, through an oversight or through lack of materials. Iníng salúg may tuháng pa. This floor-is not yet quite covered,-has a part still uncovered. Indì mo pagtuhangán ang salúg. Don't leave (make) gaps in the floor. (see buháng, taháng-a gap in the teeth).



A breach-, gap-, opening-, in a dam, etc.