Search result(s) - inagíhan



Event, passage, happening, experience, anecdote, what-happened,-took place, anything experienced or gone through. (see ági, inágyan).



Event, passage, happening, experience, anecdote, what-happened,-took place, anything experienced or gone through. (see ági, inágyan).



Past passive of ági. (see inagíhan).



Past passive of ági. (see inagíhan).



Incidents, occurrences, events, episodes in one's life, experiences, what one has gone through. Ang mga ginagíhan sang Aton Ginúo. The events in the life of our Lord. (see ági, tabô, pinaniíran, pinanilágan).



Passage, trace, incident, event; to go by, pass by, pass through. Ang mga ági kag bilín sang salâ. The traces and remains of sin. Ang mga ági sang íya kabúhì. The incidents of his life. Kon magági ka dirí, hapíti kamí. If you pass this way, visit us. Indì ka makaági dirâ, kay nakodalán ang umá. You cannot pass through there, for the field is fenced in. Ang dalán nga íla ginágyan (ginagíhan)-. The road over which they passed-. Iági akó siníng tulún-an sa kay Fuláno. Kindly hand this book over to N.N. in passing. Buás ágyon ko ikáw. Tomorrow I'll call for you in passing (and take you along). Buás ágyan ko ikáw. Tomorrow I'll visit you on my way. Paágyon mo kamí sa ímo umá. Let us pass through your field. Dílì mo pagpaágyan sa íla ang áton umá. Don't allow them to pass through our field. Walâ pa akó kaági (makaági) dídto. I have never been there yet, I have had no occasion to pass that way, I have not seen or passed that place at all.



See ginagíhan.



To prate, prattle, babble, jabber, gabble, twaddle, chatter; rattle on, vaunt, boast, brag. A, nagahádak lang siá. Ah, he just talks for the sake of talking. Indì mo pagihádak ináng mga waláy pulús nga butáng. Don't twaddle about such silly things. Ginhádak níya sa ákon ang íya mga ginagíhan. He boasted to me of what he had gone through. Ginhadákan níya akó túbtub nga nasum-orán akó. He rattled on at me till I got sick of it. (see wákal, búrà, hámbog).



(H) Forgetfulness, oblivion; to forget, cease to remember, be forgetful or oblivious of. Nagkalímot-or-nalímot akó sinâ. I have forgotten it. I don't recollect it. It has escaped my memory. Indì mo pagkalímtan iní. Do not forget this. Indì níla malímtan ang ginagíhan níla nga kalisúd. They will be unable to forget the troubles they have passed through. Básì kon limóton mo akó. Perhaps you will forget me, will not think of me any longer. Pinanglímot siá. He forgot himself. He lost his self-possession. (see lipát, lígà).



To meditate, contemplate, turn over in the mind, think over well, consider, ponder, muse upon; have regard or consideration for. Nagapalándong siá sang ginagíhan sang Aton Ginóo. He is meditating on the life of Our Lord. Palandongá sing maáyo ang ginsilíng níya. Think well over what he said.



(Sp. pasaje) Passage, fare, ticket; passage (of a book); incident, anecdote (of one's life). Pilá ang ibáyad mo sa pasáhi? How much do you pay for the ticket (fare)? Madámù nga mga pasáhi ang ginagíhan (ginágyan) ni Fuláno. Many are the experiences that N.N. has met with. (see hinákay, ági).