Search result(s) - kangíl-ad



Nausea, loathing, detestation, abomination, shrinking from, sickening at. (see ngíl-ad).



(H) Abomination, frightfulness, repulsiveness, something shocking or terrifying, things awful to look upon, filthy stench. (see ngíl-ad, kangíl-ad).



(H) See kangíl-ad. Also: Things that are loathsome, sickening, noisome, abominable, detestable, nauseating, nasty, filthy, shocking to look upon or to hear of, the abomination or aversion produced by evil or by things of a very disagreeable smell. (see kalangil-arán).



To loathe, recoil, be sickened, nauseated or revolted, abhor, feel like vomiting or have an aversion to, to detest, abominate, hate, feel repugnance to. Nagakangíl-ad akó sa pagtán-aw sang líntà. I hate to see (look upon) a leech. Dílì takús igkangíl-ad ang pagsagúd sa mga masakít. One should not show one's repugnance in attending on the sick. Ginangil-arán akó sang ípot sang kuríng. I feel like vomiting at the sight of a cat's dirt. (see taká, súm-od, lóod).



Form or shape of one's shoulder (abága) Also: to shoulder, undergo, tackle, handle, manage. Walâ siá sing igkasángkol sa pagpangabága sang amó nga palangakoán. He has not the ability to shoulder the duties of such an office. Pílit na gid nga magkangíl-ad kamí sang íya pagpangabága (sang íya mga pangabága) sang íya mga katungdánan. We are now forced to-repudiate his way of performing his duties,-be disgusted with his manner of carrying out his obligation.