Search result(s) - lángkoy



Straight on without a hitch or break, continuous, without interruption, steady, unbroken; together, at the same time, in one go or push; to do something at a stretch, without interruption; to "kill two birds with one stone", combine, do at the same time. Ang mga halígi siníng baláy pulús mga lángkoy. The posts of this house are all of a piece from the ground to the roof i.e. without splices. Langkoyá ang trabáho. Work on steadily. Langkoyí lang sing alámbre ang kodál. Make the whole fence of wire. Ilángkoy mo lang ang kodál sa talámnan nga walâ sing lakarán. Enclose the whole field with a fence without a stile. Maghámbal, magsulát, etc. ka sing lángkoy. Speak, write, etc. in an orderly way, right on, without pauses or stops. Nagpamanílà siá sa pagdúaw sa íya nga bátà kag lángkoy man sa pagpamaláklon. He went to Manila to visit his son and at the same time to make some purchases. (see dáyon, dungán).



Dim. and Freq. of húgnat. To do at intervals, on and off, by fits and starts, by spells, do something in alternate periods as working and resting, walking and riding, sleeping and waking, etc. Nagahugnáthúgnat silá sang íla pagarádo. They are doing their ploughing by fits and starts. Ginahugnáthúgnat lang níla ang íla paglakát. They took frequent rests during their walk. Hugnáthugnáta lang ang ímo trabáho, kon índì ka makaántus magpangabúdlay sing lángkoy. Work a bit and then rest awhile if you cannot stand working at a stretch.



Dim. and Freq. of láktaw. Indì ka maglaktáwláktaw sang ibán nga mga minítlang, kóndì basáha sing lángkoy kag maáthag. Don't pass over some syllables, but read in a continuous and distinct manner. (see lukhô-lúkhò, luthôlúthò).



Also: Direct, straight on, continuous. (see lángkoy).



Caus. of gúyud. To let-, make-, order to-, haul or drag along, etc. Paguyúra ang karabáw sang kawáyan. Let the buffalo pull the bamboo. Paguyúra na lang akó sang kon pilá ka paggúyud ang kinahánglan mo pa túbtub nga maúbus pagdalá dirí sa ímo baláy ang duhá ka gatús ka nahót nga kawáyan. Let me now haul in as many hauls as you may need yet to complete the job of bringing here to your house the two hundred pieces of bamboo. Hóo, ipagúyud ko sa ímo, kon magkasugtánay kitá sa nahanungúd sang sóhol nga ibáyad ko sa ímo. Yes, I will get you to haul in (the bamboo), if we can come to an agreement about how much I have to pay you for the freightage. Sa tápus ang tágsa ka paggúyud papahuáya ang karabáw kay índì siá mapagúyud sing lángkoy. After each haul give the buffalo a rest, because it cannot be made to haul continuously (without a break).



Straight on, continuous, steady, unbroken, uninterrupted, without deviation or hindrance; pure, unsullied, unadulterated, unalloyed, uncontaminated. (see tádlong, lángkoy, lubús, lúgus, etc.).