Search result(s) - dáyon



Continuous, permanent, lasting, perpetual, eternal, at all times, evermore, constantly, always, everlastingly; to continue, go on with, last, stay for some time, lodge, sojourn, visit or call upon for an extended period, spend some time. Dáyon ang kabúhì sang kalág, umalági ang íya sang láwas. The life of the soul is eternal, that of the body transitory. Sa dáyon nga ínit nagláyà ang madámù nga mga tanúm. On account of the long drought many plants withered. Dayóna ang ímo pagbása, paglakát, hámbal, etc. Go on with your reading, your march, your speech, etc. Magdáyon ka dirí sa ámon. Stay here with us for a time. Diín ang ginadayónan mo? Where are you staying? Kon magsakáy ka pa Manílà saráng mo madayónan dídto ang ákon tíò. When you go to Manila, you can stay at my uncle's there. Dáyon gid lang ang paghibî siníng bátà. This baby is always crying.



To carry out, go on with, perform, execute, accomplish; fulfil, put into execution, realise, get or go through a business. (see tarús).



To put one's arms on or round another's shoulder. Nagalakát silá nga nagaagbayánay. They are walking with their arms round each other's shoulders. Agbayí siá. Place your arm on his shoulder. Indì ka magágbay sa íya. Don't put your arm on his or her shoulder. Paagbayón mo ang masakít. Let the sick person put his arm on your shoulder. Sa dakû nga kakáhas nagágbay siá sa kay Fulána, apang dáyon siá níya sinúmbag kag siníkway. With great boldness he put his arm on Miss N.N.'s shoulder, but immediately he received a slap from her and was repulsed with contempt.



Picture, reflection of a mirror, model, type; to look into a mirror, to keep before one's eyes, to study as a model or type to be imitated, etc. Panganínaw is mostly used for the verb. Manganínaw ka sa íya. Study and imitate him. Ikáw ang dáyon ko nga ginapanganináwan. I have your picture constantly before me. Siá gid ang ákon ginapanganináwan. He is my model. (see panganínaw, palanganináwan).



To have bloodshot eyes, to look fierce, have fiery or glaring eyes, to be half-blinded by passion, heat or excitement. Ang panúluk siníng táo nagabalingasó. The eyes of this man are fiery, glaring, blazing. Sang pagkasáyod níya siní, nangákig siá kag dáyon nagbalingasó ang íya mga matá. When he heard this, he got angry and his eyes immediately became inflamed with fury or rage.



(B) Shivering, quivering, shaky, trembling; to shiver, quiver, shake, tremble, etc. Banayón ang íya nga kamót. His hand is trembling. Kon mabúdlay ang ímo kamót kag dáyon mo itúsmug sa matúgnaw nga túbig, magabanayón. If your hand is tired and you plunge it at once into cold water, it will shake. (see píri).



To crack, form fissures (said of the soil). Nagbángag ang ámon talámnan. Our field has cracks in it. Nabangagán ang humáy sa talámnan, kay dúgay na nga walâ magulán. There are cracks in the ground under the rice in the field, because it has not rained for a long time. Patubigán mo dáyon ang talámnan, agúd nga índì magbángag. Keep the field constantly under water or water the field constantly, lest it should form cracks. (see litík, balanâ, hirás).



(H) Pl. form of dáyon. Nagdaláyon silá sa ákon baláy. They stayed at my home. Also adjective: Continuous, constant, persevering; always. Daláyon gid lang nagagáhud iníng mga bátà. These children are always so noisy. (dáyon).



(H) Residence, house, inn, hostel, hostelry, lodging-house, hotel, lodgings, any place where one can stay or remain for sometime. (see dáyon).



(H) Continuing, continuous, permanent; one who stays for a considerable space of time; lodger, boarder, guest. (see dáyon).



To rain heavily and continuously, to rain for a long time with a clouded sky and frequent squalls at short intervals. Dáyon gid lang nagadúngdung ang kalibútan. It rains continuously. Sa búlan nga mabulús pagadungdungán na man kitá sa waláy duhádúha. Next month we are sure to have a long spell of rainy weather.



Dejected, sad, melancholy, pensive, moody, sorrowful, cheerless, dismal, unhappy, mournful, gloomy, spiritless; to be sad, etc. Kútub sang kamatáyon sang íya ilóy nagadúyò siá sing dáyon. Since the death of her mother she is always melancholy, dejected. (see búog).



(Sp. elección) Election, poll, vote, referendum, ballot; to choose, select, pick out. Dáyon gid lang íya ginaeleksyonán ang íya mga agsadór. He is constantly picking out his tenants i.e. he constantly changes his tenants, choosing one in place of another. (see piniliáy, pílì, pilî).



(Sp. elección) Election, poll, vote, referendum, ballot; to choose, select, pick out. Dáyon gid lang íya ginaeleksyonán ang íya mga agsadór. He is constantly picking out his tenants i.e. he constantly changes his tenants, choosing one in place of another. (see piniliáy, pílì, pilî).



To low, bellow, moo (of cattle); to weep, cry, blubber. Ginagaában sang báka ang íya nga tínday nga naíhaw. The cow is lowing mournfully for her calf that was slaughtered. A, iníng bátà dáyon gid lang nagagáab. Why, this baby is constantly crying. Indì mo akó paggaában kon mamatáy akó. Don't weep for me when I die. Pagaába ang bátà, agúd makabatî ang íya nga íloy kag magpaúlì sa madalî. Make the baby cry so that its mother may hear it and come home at once. Pagaába lang ang bátà túbtub kon sán-o matápus ang íya hilibíon. Just let the baby have its cry out. Hípus ka lang, índì ka maggáab. Be quiet, don't cry. Anó na man ang ginagáab-or-ginagaában mo? What are you weeping for this time? (see hibî, tángis, hibubún-ot, gáab is properly used in connection with an animal, and the word sounds rather rough and impolite when used in connection with a human being, though colloquially it is often employed).



To observe, look at, view, gaze at, eye, keep an eye on, watch from a window or the like. Gawáha kon sín-o ang sa idálum. Look out and see who is below. Igáwa akó kon sín-o ang nagaámba dirâ sa hágdan. Kindly look out and see who is singing on the stairs. Dáyon lang siá nagagáwa sa bintánà sa mga umalági sa idálum. She is always looking out of the window to watch the passers-by below. Magbulúsbúlus kamó maggáwa sa gawáng sa mga nagalubás sa dálan kag kon ínyo makítà si Fuláno pahapíta siá dirí. Watch in turns from the window the passers-by on the road, and if you see N.N. invite him up here. Gawáhi sing sugâ ang táo dirâ sa atubángan sang baláy. Take a light and observe the man there in front of the house. Ginawáhan níya sing pasílak ang makáwat. He watched the thief by means of a flashlight. (see bántay, tíid, áwhog, áwhang, ánghaw).



(H) Ever, constantly, always, evermore, continually, perpetually, at all times or hours. Ari kamí sa maáyo nga láwas nga súbung sang sa gihápon. We are in as good health as ever. Iníng táo nagatámbong sa gihápon sa bulangán. This man is always at the cock-pit. Si Fuláno nagatámbong pa gihápon sa bulangán. N.N. is still at the cock-pit. (i.e. he has been there for some time and is there yet). Komústa man ang masakít?-Amó gihápon. How is the sick person?-The same as ever. Kon madámol ang úlan may bahâ sa gihápon. Whenever there is a heavy rain, the river rises. (see dáyon, daláyon, pírme).



(H) Without delay or interposition, at once, forthwith, immediately, instantly, suddenly, straight-away, directly, off hand, on the spur of the moment, out of hand, on the spot, promptly, with dispatch, without an interval of rest. Sang pagabút níya dirí nagsákà siá gilayón sa ámon baláy. When he arrived here he at once came to our home. Sa tápus ang prosesyón gilayón magasúgud ang Mísa Máyor. After the procession High Mass will begin at once. Magdalágan ka dídto, kuháon mo ang ákon koríyo sa madalî, kag gilayón dálhon mo dirí. Run over there, get my mail quickly and immediately bring it here. Magpahúay ka ánay, índì ka maglakát sa gilayón. Take a rest first, don't go on immediately. (see dáyon, lági, lagílági).



Dilapidated, frayed, the worse for wear, torn, old, shabby, stained and soiled, deteriorated or injured by wear; to be frayed, etc. Guríbhay na ang ákon delárgo. My trousers are old and worn out. Nagguríbhay ang íya puróy sa dáyon nga paggámit. His shorts are worn out by constant use. (see gurísnay, gúsbat, gubát, gunít).



To palpitate, thump, pulsate, throb, hammer, race, beat quickly or violently; palpitation, etc. Nagahakúbhakúb ang íya tagiposóon sa kahádluk. Her heart throbs violently with fear. Kon kulbaán akó dáyon ang hakúbhakúb sang dúghan ko-or-dáyon nagahakúbhakúb ang dúghan ko. When I am scared my heart begins at once to palpitate. (see pitík, kubákubá).

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