To cry, weep, sob, pule, whimper, blubber. Ang bátà nagahibí. The baby is crying. Indì ka maghibî. Don't weep. Bisán mamatáy akó walâ man sing magahibî sa ákon. Though I should die no one will shed tears over me. Pagahibián ko gid ikáw kon mamatáy ka. I shall certainly weep for you, when you die. Ang amó nga balítà nagpahibî sa íya. That news made her cry. (see tángis, gáab, háyà).
Grief, sorrow, lament, lamentation, wail, complaint, plaint, groan, moan, sigh; to sigh, groan, moan, lament, grieve, wail, complain, mourn, weep. Ginabakhoán níya ang kamatáyon sang íya anák. She grieves over the death of her child. Nagapanángis kag nagabákhò silá, kay napatáy ang íla ilóy. They are weeping and sighing, because their mother has died. Dî mo pagpabakhoón ang ímo mga ginikánan. Do not grieve your parents. Yádto dídto ang pagbákhò kag pagbinágrot sang mga ngípon. There is (was, will be) weeping and gnashing of teeth. (see subô, tángis, hibî, háyà, hibubún-ot).
To low, bellow, moo (of cattle); to weep, cry, blubber. Ginagaában sang báka ang íya nga tínday nga naíhaw. The cow is lowing mournfully for her calf that was slaughtered. A, iníng bátà dáyon gid lang nagagáab. Why, this baby is constantly crying. Indì mo akó paggaában kon mamatáy akó. Don't weep for me when I die. Pagaába ang bátà, agúd makabatî ang íya nga íloy kag magpaúlì sa madalî. Make the baby cry so that its mother may hear it and come home at once. Pagaába lang ang bátà túbtub kon sán-o matápus ang íya hilibíon. Just let the baby have its cry out. Hípus ka lang, índì ka maggáab. Be quiet, don't cry. Anó na man ang ginagáab-or-ginagaában mo? What are you weeping for this time? (see hibî, tángis, hibubún-ot, gáab is properly used in connection with an animal, and the word sounds rather rough and impolite when used in connection with a human being, though colloquially it is often employed).
(H) Things to be wept over, fit or deserving to have tears shed over. (see hibî).
The letter "i" is pronounced in Visayan as in Spanish, except when it has an abrupt sound as in the words:-dalî, dalîdálì, tahî, hibî, etc. To avoid an hiatus "i" slurs into a following vowel as if a "y" had been inserted, and in fact "y" is often inserted in modern spelling, e.g. hiás, hiyás, tián, tiyán; íos, íyos, etc. However a distinct hiatus occurs when an abrupt "i" is followed by a vowel, e.g. daliá, dali-á, not dalyá; tahión, tahi-ón, not tahiyón; ginharían, ginharí-an, not ginharíyan, etc. (From dalî, tahî, hárì, etc.).
The letter "i" is pronounced in Visayan as in Spanish, except when it has an abrupt sound as in the words:-dalî, dalîdálì, tahî, hibî, etc. To avoid an hiatus "i" slurs into a following vowel as if a "y" had been inserted, and in fact "y" is often inserted in modern spelling, e.g. hiás, hiyás, tián, tiyán; íos, íyos, etc. However a distinct hiatus occurs when an abrupt "i" is followed by a vowel, e.g. daliá, dali-á, not dalyá; tahión, tahi-ón, not tahiyón; ginharían, ginharí-an, not ginharíyan, etc. (From dalî, tahî, hárì, etc.).
To cry or weep aloud, wail, lament, keen, howl, roar, bawl, yell, squeal, squall, shout with pain. Nagngábngab siá, kay ginbúnal ni tátay. He howled, because he got a whipping from father. Indì ka magngábngab. Don't bawl. Ngabngabí ang ilóy mo kon ilubúng. Wail (lament) for your mother, when she is being buried. (see ngarábngab, gáab, hibî, tángís, tiyábaw).
To moan, complain, weep, cry, whimper, whine, sigh. (see ngíthil, ngóyngoy, ngábngab, gáab, bákhò, tángis, hibî, panalabíton, panalambíton).
To cry, weep, lament. Tinangísan níya ang kamatáyon sang íya ilóy. He wept for the death of his mother. Indì ka magtángis. Don't cry. Dáyon lang siá nagapanángis. She is always crying. (see hibî).
(Sp. aljibe) A water-tank or reservoir, especially one used for storing rain-water.
Dim. and Freq. of áwà. Indì mo pagawáawáon ang bátà, kay magahibî gid lang. Don't speak so very compassionately to the child, for it is certainly going to cry.
A prohibitive particle: You must not--. You shall not--. Don't by any means--. Ayáo, paghimóa inâ. Oh, don't do that. Beware of doing that. Ayáo, pagbayái ang ímong mga ginikánan. Ah, you must never forsake your parents. (see índì (gid), dílì nga más-a).
To stop a hole or leakage in a pot or other vessel with plaster, thick paint, cement, etc. Bidaí ang gorgoríta, kay may balanâ. Plaster the water-cooler, for it has a crack. Ibidâ iníng isá ka hákup nga siménto sa alhíbi. Stop the leak in the water-tank with this handful of cement. Ibidâ akó siníng láta, kay nagatubúd. Kindly plaster this can, for it leaks. (see pálhit, dókdok, súngsung, tábon, patogón).
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