Search result(s) - lab%c3%bagay



Dim. of pangábis. Also: to excel, be superior, surpass, give a very good account of oneself. Iníng bátà nagapangabískábis sa tanán nga bágay. This boy excels in everything.



Purification, act of purifying; to purify, remove any pollution or defilement, be clean, keep clean, love cleanliness. Madámù ang mga buluhatón sang mga Hudíyo sa íla panínlò. The Jews had many purification rites. Magpanínlò kamó sa tanán nga mga bágay, agúd dílì kamó pagdunggoón sang balatían. Keep yourselves clean in every way so that you may not contract disease. (see tínlò).



Kind, class, variety; way, manner, method. (see bágay, sárì).



Class, kind, variety, variation, sort. (see bágay, sáhì, sarîsárì).



(H) The genitive and accusative of inâ-that; the dative and ablative are formed by placing "sa" before "sinâ". Ang íya sinâ nga kahulúgan--. The meaning of that--. Sín-o ang nagbúhat sinâ? Who did (made) that? Who has done (made) that? Sa sinâ nga bágay-. In that manner-. Ihátag mo iní sa sinâ nga (sináng) mga táo. Give this to those men.



Enough, sufficient, satisfactory, considerable; very, rather much, rather many. Túman na. That's enough. That'll do! That'll serve! That is sufficient. Dílì pa túman--kóndì nga--. It is not yet sufficient that--, but--. Túman kadámù nga mga táo ang nagtalámbong. Very many people assisted. A good crowd of people were present. Túman na balá ang túbig ukón dugángan ko pa? Is that water enough (Is there a sufficient amount of water now) or shall I add more yet? (see ígò, ángay, bágay, hústo, bastánte, támà, lakás, dúro, lám-ag, súkò).

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