The stern of a boat, poop. Metaphorically: Indì ka maghámbal sinâ, kay básì olinán ikáw. Don't talk like that, for you may be worse off yourself later on. Púngkò ka sa luyó siníng bátà nga but-ánan, kay básì maolinán ka sang íya nga batásan. Sit down at the side of this well-behaved boy, that you may-follow his example,-do as he does. Índì ka magyúbit sa íya, kay básì olinán ikáw. Don't ridicule him, for you may be ridiculed too in your turn.
The stern of a boat, poop. Metaphorically: Indì ka maghámbal sinâ, kay básì olinán ikáw. Don't talk like that, for you may be worse off yourself later on. Púngkò ka sa luyó siníng bátà nga but-ánan, kay básì maolinán ka sang íya nga batásan. Sit down at the side of this well-behaved boy, that you may-follow his example,-do as he does. Índì ka magyúbit sa íya, kay básì olinán ikáw. Don't ridicule him, for you may be ridiculed too in your turn.
See olín-the stern-, poop-, of a boat, etc.
See olín-the stern-, poop-, of a boat, etc.
The humble-bee or bumble-bee.
(Sp. violín) Violin. Ang biolín ginagolót ukón ginarabél sang árko. The violin is played by a bow pushed and pulled to and fro.
(Sp. violinista) Violinist; violin-player.
(Sp. gasolina) Gasoline, petrol.
(Sp. colindante) Neighbour; adjacent, near, hard-, fast-, by, adjoining, neighbouring, bordering, contiguous. (see katámbi).
(Sp. collar) Necklace, string of pearls; rosary.
From olingíg.
From olingíg.
To provide with, or put on, a necklace, etc. Pakolintasí siá. Put (Hang) a necklace on her. (see kolíntas).
(H) Knowledge, wisdom, learning; to be or become wise, learned, to know. Walâ siá sing álam. He has no learning, has had no education. Pisáni ang pagtoón mo, agúd magálam ka. Study with application, that you may become learned or well educated. Sádto ánay walâ siá sing tinón-an, ápang karón nagálam na gid siá. Formerly he had no schooling, but now he is quite learned. Indì kamó manúgid sa íya sinâ, kay maaláman man níya sa olíhi. Don't tell him that now, for he will get to know it later on all the same. Paalámi siá. Tell him or warn him beforehand. Anó ang ímo naaláman? What do you know? What have you learned? Ginpaaláman níya kamí nga dáan nga maabút ang manugusísà sa amó nga ádlaw. We were warned by him long before, that the inspector would come on such a day. Ipaálam sa íya nga nagubâ ang táytay. Send him word that the bridge is broken down. (see kaálam, maálam, kinaálam, kinaádman, máan).
(Sp. almibar) Thin, freely-flowing molasses in the initial stage of the process of sugar-milling. 1.) inutús-the watery juice squeezed out of the sugar-cane. 2.) arníbal-very thin molasses containing much water. 3.) lasáw-thickening molasses, syrup of the consistency of light honey. 4.) pulút-thick molasses nearing the stage of crystallization or hardening. The pulút, very sticky and viscous, is taken from the cauldron and put into troughs, where by cooling and stirring it slowly hardens or crystallizes to the finished, but unrefined, product of sugar. This last stage of the process of sugar-milling is called "pagasúkar sang pulút"-"to turn the pulút into sugar". See under asúkar. 5.) asúkar, kalámay-sugar.
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