Search result(s) - púlo



(H) See polô.



See pólo.



Ten. Tátlo ka púlò (katloan). Three times ten (thirty). (see napúlò).



Change, barter, exchange; to change, exchange, interchange, barter, swap. Ginbailohán níya ang íya karabáw sang báka ni Fuláno. He exchanged his buffalo for N.N.'s cow. Ibáilo akó ánay siníng lápis sa lápis ni Fuláno. Kindly exchange this pencil for N.N's pencil. Ibáilo ko iníng lápis sa plúma ni Fuláno. I will exchange this pencil for N.N.'s pen. Bailohá ang duhá ka kabáyo sa karwáhe. Change the places of the two horses on the carriage i.e. put the near horse on the off side. Bailohí iníng duhá ka púlò ka mángmang nga papél. Give me change for this twenty peso note. Ang tanán nga mga kahuól kag kasubô sang mga matárung mabáilo kunína sa kalípay kag himáyà. All the trials and sorrows of the just will later on be changed into joy and glory. (see báylo).



(H) Anything carried, brought, taken, conveyed or transported; to carry, transmit, bring-, take-, along, bear, convey, transfer, transport, cart, ship; support; to influence, gain over to one's side, persuade. Anó ang ginadalá mo? What are you carrying,-bringing,-taking along? Diín mo iná (dál-on) dálhon? Where are you taking that to? Dálhi akó sing isá ka báso nga túbig. Bring me a glass of water. Padálhi akó sing isá ka páres nga sapátos. Send me a pair of boots. Ipadalá sa íya iní. Send him this. Pinadalá níya iní sa ákon. He sent me this. Anó ang dalá mo? What is it you are bringing (taking) with you? Daw sa índì mo siá madalá. You will scarcely be able to move, influence or persuade him. Pinadálhan níya akó sing sulát gíkan sa Manílà. He sent me a letter from Manila. Nagabút na dalá sang sakayán ang káhoy nga binakál ko. The wood I bought has now arrived by boat. Dinalá níya ang ákon kálò. He brought my hat. Makadalá ka siní? Can you carry or transport this? Nagabáton na siá sing binúlan nga duhá ka púlò ka mángmang dalá ang pagkáon. He is receiving now twenty pesos a month and his board. (dará id.).



(B) Twenty, score. (see duhá, ka, púlò).

duhá ka púlò


Twenty, a score. (see darwampúlò).

duhá ka púlò


Twenty, a score. (see darwampúlò).

duhá ka púlò


Twenty, a score. (see darwampúlò).



To land, make port, arrive in port, put into-, attain-, gain-, port, obtain one's object. Magdúngkà kitá sa madalî, kay daw maabút ang bágyo. Let us make for port at once, for it looks as if a storm were coming. Kaína sang ága nagdúngkà ang bapór. The steamer arrived in port this morning. Padungkaá-or-ipadúngkà ang sakayán. Put the vessel into port. Padungkaá silá sa báybay, kay buót silá maglúsad. Effect a landing for them on the beach, for they wish to disembark. Nakadúngkà na siá sa palangakóan nga íya ginhándum nga dáan. He has now finally obtained the office he has aspired to so long. Pinadungkaán níla sang sakayán ang amó nga báhin sang pulô. They put the vessel ashore at that part of the island. (see tákas).



The difference in price between values exchanged; to pay or make up the difference in price or value of two things exchanged for each other. Pilá ang gábaw mo sa íya nga karabáw? How much difference in value did you pay him for his buffalo? Igábaw mo sa ákon káro duhá ka púlò ka písos. Pay me twenty pesos as difference in value for my cart. Baylohón ta lang ang áton mga báka, kay gabáwan ko ikáw kon pilá ang ipagábaw mo. Let us exchange our cows, for I am ready to pay you what difference in value you may ask for. Nabáton mo ang kwárta nga gingábaw níya sa ímo kabáyo? Have you received the money he paid for your horse as the difference in value? Kon malúyag ikáw magbalígyà sa ákon sang ímo báka, ibáyad ko sa ímo ang ákon báboy kag katloán ka mángmang nga gábaw. If you are willing to sell me your cow, I am ready to pay you for her my pig and a balance of thirty pesos.



Foothold, nick, notch, step cut in a tree, particularly in a coconut palm to facilitate climbing; to cut such steps. Maghánghang ka sang lubí. Cut steps in the coconut palm. Ginhanghangán níla ang lubí sing duhá ka púlò ka hánghang. They cut twenty notches in the coconut palm.



To assemble, gather, collect, foregather, come together. Ang mga pamatán-on kon gáb-i gánì nga masánag ang búlan nagahímbon sa kinurúsan sang dálan. The young people on moonlight nights come together at the cross-roads. Himboná silá sa baláy. Gather them together in the house. Himboní akó sing duhá ka púlò ka manganganí, kay ipaáni ko sa íla ang ákon alányon. Gather for me twenty rice-harvesters, for I will get them to reap my rice crop. (see típon, dúguk, hinúbonhúbon, ímpon, talampúyuk).



Lease, rent, fare, charges, travelling ticket, transportation fees, payment for hire, etc.; to hire, lease, pay for rent or the like. Pilá ang hinákay? What is the fare? Hinakáyi ang kabáyo ko kon malúyag ka. Hire my horse if you like. Ang balséro nagapahinákay sing tagpisítas sa káda táo. The ferry man charges twenty centavos for each person. Ginpahinákay akó níya sing támà, tungúd sinâ walâ man akó magsakáy sa íya nga áwto. He charged me an exorbitant fare, therefore I did not hire his automobile. Ang hinákay sa pagpakádto kag pagpakarí índì magkúlang sa duhá ka púlò ka pésos. The ticket for the journey to and fro-or-there and back, will not cost less than twenty pesos. (see sakáy).



A prefix that goes to form ordinal numbers, e.g. ikagatús-hundredth; ikalíbo-thousandth; sa ikapúlò níya ka pagbálik-on his tenth return; sa ikaduhá ka púlo'g limá ka ádlaw-on the twenty fifth (day), etc. etc.



A prefix that goes to form ordinal numbers, e.g. ikagatús-hundredth; ikalíbo-thousandth; sa ikapúlò níya ka pagbálik-on his tenth return; sa ikaduhá ka púlo'g limá ka ádlaw-on the twenty fifth (day), etc. etc.



(Sp. isla) Island, isle. (see pulô).



(Sp. isla) Island, isle. (see pulô).



A particle employed to connect a cardinal or ordinal numeral with a noun or with another numeral. "Ka" is also used after distributives, and after the indefinite "pilá", whenever the latter has the meaning of "how many" or "few", e.g. Duhá ka púlò ka líbo. Twenty thousand. Tátlo ka gatús ka líbo kà táo. Three hundred thousand men. Limá ka karabáw. Five buffaloes. Amó iní ang ikapúlò níla ka anák. This is their tenth child. Sa ikawaló ka (nga) ádlaw sa búlan sa Enéro. On the eighth day of January. Pilá silá ka táo? How many are they? Mga pilá lámang ka táo ang nagtalámbong. Only a few men attended. Nakabáton silá sing tagnapúlò ka mángmang. They received ten pesos each.



To eat, take food, feed, fare, devour, despatch, mess. Kán-a iní. Eat this. Kán-i iní sing diótay. Eat a little of this. Pakán-a siá sing maáyo. Feed him well-or-Give him good food. Pakán-a siá sa pínggan. Let him eat off the plate. Pakán-i sa íya iníng mga páhò. Let him eat some of these mangoes. Indì ka magkáon siníng búnga, kay línghod pa. Don't eat this fruit, for it is not ripe yet. Anó ang kináon mo? What kind of food did you take? Ipakáon ko sa íya iníng kabúgaw kon makaúyon siá. I will let him eat this pomelo if he likes it. Walâ akó makatupús sang ginpakáon níya sa ákon. I could not stand the food he gave me. Iníng kalán-an ginakán-an sing duhá ka púlò ka táo sa tágsa ka ádlaw. Twenty men take their meals-, mess-, are fed-, in this dining room every day.

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