(Sp. pulso) Pulse, pulsation; that part of the wrist where the pulse is felt. (see bayóbáyo).
To feel, touch, pass one's hand or finger over, fumble, finger, handle. Himíli siá sa úlo kon anó ang kaínit níya. Feel his head, how hot it is. Himíla ang hénero kon maáyo. Feel the cloth to see whether it is good. Indì ka maghímil sa ákon. Don't touch me. Ginhímil sang manugbúlung ang íya nga púlso. The doctor felt his pulse. Hinimílan siá sang manughílot sa ágtang. The masseur massaged his forehead. (see híkap, tándog).
A throb, pulsation, beat (of the pulse, the heart, etc.); to throb, etc. Malúya na ang kibô (pagkibô) sang íya nga púlso. His pulse is weak.
To beat violently, throb vehemently or quickly (of the pulse, heart, or the like); to feel the pulse, examine, search, investigate. Nagasábà ang íya nga púlso. His pulse beats violently. Ginsábà níya ang púlso ni Fuláno. He examined (felt) N.N.'s pulse. He investigated N.N. (and his doings).
(Sp. tocar) To play-, perform on-a musical instrument; to strike (of a clock); to throb, beat (of the pulse, etc.). Maálam siá magtokár sang biolín, piáno, klarinéte, etc. He knows how to play the violin, piano, clarinette, etc. Nagatokár pa ang íya púlso? Is his pulse still beating? Ang relóh nagtokár na sang ikáp-at ka táknà. The clock has struck four (the fourth hour). (see kúskus, bágting, pamídyà, kubákubá).