Search result(s) - púnsok



Group, clump, heap, compact mass, pile, batch, assemblage, gathering, collection, accumulation; to come or gather close together, collect in a heap, form a compact mass, huddle together. Nagapúnsok lang silá dirâ sa pamúsud. They are crowded together in the corner. Punsoká ang mga bató. Gather the stones in a heap.



Ground-swell, undulation of the ocean; ripple, small wave or billow; wavy, rippled, ripply; to ripple, be slightly ruffled; to cluster, move in waves, in a bunch or group. Hanúl (nagahanúl) ang dágat. The sea is swelling. Nagahanúl gid lámang ang mga lusâ sa ólo siníng bátà. There are literally masses of nits on the head of this child. Hanúl siá sing bohók (Nagahanúl ang íya bohók). Her hair is wavy or ripply. (see balúd, púnsok).



Assemblage, aggregation, cluster, heap, bunch, collection; to gather, collect, be or become many. (see katilíngban, katipúnan, púnsok, púngpung, búnghay, hút-ong, dámò, típon, tingúb).



A group or cluster dependent on a principal group; to appear or grow in a group in the neighbourhood of the principal group. Iníng púnsok nga óhong may lungáw dirâ-or-nagalungáw dirâ. This group of óhong-mushrooms has another dependent cluster over there. (see lahóng).



Clustered, in clusters; to cluster, crowd together. (see púnsok).

pús-ok, púsok


To pile up, heap together. (see tingúb, túmpok, púnsok).



A mass, cluster; to form a-compact mass,-cluster, to be near-, close-, to come or gather close-, together, be or lie in a heap or mass, collect in a heap, huddle together. Nagapúsgò gid lang yanáng mga bitóon. Those stars form a veritable cluster. Ang mga sáhà sang dágmay, ságing, etc. nagapúsgò sa íya púnò. Dágmay-layers, banana-suckers, etc. grow in clusters around the parent stem. (see púnsok).