Search result(s) - pagágà



To importune, ask insistently, press, urge, keep asking, pester, beg hard. Indì ka magpagâgâ kay tátay sing bág-o nga báyò. Don't keep asking Father for a new jacket. Ginpagàgaán níya si nánay sing arítos nga buláwan. She insistently asked mother for golden earrings. (see patúsà).



Insistence, persistency, importunacy, pertinacity. (see pagâgâ-to insist, importune).



To insist on, press, be persistent or peremptory. (see patúsà, pagusáb, pagâgâ, pagusá).



To ask insistently, keep asking, to bother, plague, molest with repeated requests, to importune. Indì ka magoráhol sa kay tátay nahanungúd sang ginaluyágan mo nga sapátos nga bág-o. Don't keep asking father for the new boots you want. (see pagágà, patúsà).



To ask insistently, keep asking, to bother, plague, molest with repeated requests, to importune. Indì ka magoráhol sa kay tátay nahanungúd sang ginaluyágan mo nga sapátos nga bág-o. Don't keep asking father for the new boots you want. (see pagágà, patúsà).



(B) To insist, importune, press or force upon. See pagâgâ.



To seize, take by force, usurp, snatch away from another. Indì mo pagagáwon ang íya sang ibán. Do not take what belongs to another. Ginágaw níla ang íya dútà. They took the land away from him by force. Inagáwan akó níla sang ákon bántud nga dídto sa bakólod. They seized my plot of enclosed farmland there on the hill. Agáwa sa íya ang binángon. Snatch the bolo away from him. Ang mga bátà nagainágaw sang tinápay. The children are fighting or scrambling for the bread. Tabúga iníng idô nga malúyag magágaw sang báboy sa bátà. Drive off this dog that wants to snatch away the pork from the child. Inágaw nga háyup, bátà, etc. Stolen cattle, a kidnapped baby, etc.



To scuffle, scramble, fight, to compete eagerly for the possession of something. Nagakaramútot silá sa pagágaw sang mga bukáka-or-ginakaramutótan níla ang pagágaw sang mga bukáka. They are scrambling for the ripe camunsel-fruit. Indì kamó magkaramútot. Don't scuffle (scramble, fight). (see ális, árnis, áway, kámas).



To keep away from for a time (a calf from sucking or the like). Sakiróha ánay ang tínday, kay pagagatásan ko buás ang íya ináng (ilóy). Don't allow the calf to suck for the present, for I am going to milk the cow tomorrow.