Search result(s) - pahúay



To rest, take a rest, rest oneself, repose, pause, enjoy a lull,-a respite. Nagapahúay na silá. They are now taking a rest. They are resting (themselves). Magpahúay silá sa paghidáit. May they rest in peace. Papahuáya ang kabáyo. Give the horse a rest. (pahúway id.).



Rest, quiet, free time, relaxation. Walâ siá sing hinúlò sang panahî, kay mamándut siá. She is busy sewing all the time, for she wants to assist at the Feast. (see ipótan, huraráy, pahúay, inalapalápan, túlò).



To be light or easy (of work, etc.). Mahúay nga trabáho. Light, easy work. Mapahúay akó. I am going to take it easy, to take a rest. Nagapahúay na siá, kay nabúdlay. He is resting, for he is tired. Papahuáya na ang karabáw, kay maínit. Give the buffalo a rest, for it is hot. Ginpapahúay níya kamí sa íya baláy. He let us take a rest in his house. (see pahúay).



Rest, pause, interruption, respite. Walâ siá sing ipótan sang panghímos. She has no rest in her work. (see hinúlò, pahúay).



Rest, pause, interruption, respite. Walâ siá sing ipótan sang panghímos. She has no rest in her work. (see hinúlò, pahúay).



Rest, repose, quiet, peace. (see pahúay).



See pahúay-to rest, etc.



(H) Rest, resting place, repose, quiet, ease, peace, relaxation. Palahuáyan nga dáyon. Eternal rest. (see pahúay).



Sweat, perspiration; to sweat, perspire, make to perspire. Ginabálhas akó. I am perspiring. Anó na man inâ, walâ ka gánì pagbalhasá sang ímo pangabúdlay kag buót ka magpahúay na? What is the meaning of this. The work you have done has not caused you any perspiration and you wish to take a rest already? Binálhas (ginbálhas) siá sang madásig nga paglakát. Walking fast made him perspire. Nagatalabirís gid lámang ang bálhas sa íya nawóng. The perspiration is streaming down his face. (see bahúlay-cold perspiration, as in some fevers, in death-agony, etc.



(H) Without delay or interposition, at once, forthwith, immediately, instantly, suddenly, straight-away, directly, off hand, on the spur of the moment, out of hand, on the spot, promptly, with dispatch, without an interval of rest. Sang pagabút níya dirí nagsákà siá gilayón sa ámon baláy. When he arrived here he at once came to our home. Sa tápus ang prosesyón gilayón magasúgud ang Mísa Máyor. After the procession High Mass will begin at once. Magdalágan ka dídto, kuháon mo ang ákon koríyo sa madalî, kag gilayón dálhon mo dirí. Run over there, get my mail quickly and immediately bring it here. Magpahúay ka ánay, índì ka maglakát sa gilayón. Take a rest first, don't go on immediately. (see dáyon, lági, lagílági).



Dim. and Freq. of hílwak. Mapahúay akó ánay, kay nagahilwákhílwak na ang ákon solóksolók. I am going to take a rest, for I am rather exhausted (my stomach is empty).



A verbal prefix related to and often identical with i-, ig-, iga-, but preferably used in expressing circumstances of time or instrumentality. Ang mga ádlaw nga inogpuása. Fast-days. Tión na nga inoglakát. It is now time to set out, to go or walk. Adlaw nga inogpangabúdlay. A work-day. Adlaw nga inogpahúay. A day of rest. A holiday. Bató nga inoggalíng sang maís. A stone for grinding corn. Papél nga inogsulát. Writing paper. Batakán nga inoglúlan sang mga sakayán. A crane for loading ships. Inogbák-ong-a shroud, sheet, cover. Inogbalítwà-a lever, bar for raising heavy loads. Inogkaláham (inogpangaláham)-the sense of touch, sensation through contact. Inogsagámsam-taste, the sense of taste. Inoglaráwan-for use in painting, carving, photography, etc. etc. (see inug-id.).



A verbal prefix related to and often identical with i-, ig-, iga-, but preferably used in expressing circumstances of time or instrumentality. Ang mga ádlaw nga inogpuása. Fast-days. Tión na nga inoglakát. It is now time to set out, to go or walk. Adlaw nga inogpangabúdlay. A work-day. Adlaw nga inogpahúay. A day of rest. A holiday. Bató nga inoggalíng sang maís. A stone for grinding corn. Papél nga inogsulát. Writing paper. Batakán nga inoglúlan sang mga sakayán. A crane for loading ships. Inogbák-ong-a shroud, sheet, cover. Inogbalítwà-a lever, bar for raising heavy loads. Inogkaláham (inogpangaláham)-the sense of touch, sensation through contact. Inogsagámsam-taste, the sense of taste. Inoglaráwan-for use in painting, carving, photography, etc. etc. (see inug-id.).



See kapahuáyan.



Caus. of gúyud. To let-, make-, order to-, haul or drag along, etc. Paguyúra ang karabáw sang kawáyan. Let the buffalo pull the bamboo. Paguyúra na lang akó sang kon pilá ka paggúyud ang kinahánglan mo pa túbtub nga maúbus pagdalá dirí sa ímo baláy ang duhá ka gatús ka nahót nga kawáyan. Let me now haul in as many hauls as you may need yet to complete the job of bringing here to your house the two hundred pieces of bamboo. Hóo, ipagúyud ko sa ímo, kon magkasugtánay kitá sa nahanungúd sang sóhol nga ibáyad ko sa ímo. Yes, I will get you to haul in (the bamboo), if we can come to an agreement about how much I have to pay you for the freightage. Sa tápus ang tágsa ka paggúyud papahuáya ang karabáw kay índì siá mapagúyud sing lángkoy. After each haul give the buffalo a rest, because it cannot be made to haul continuously (without a break).