Search result(s) - pakapút



Caus. of kapút. Also: to ask another to be godparent (of one's child). Sín-o ang pagapakápton mo sa ímo anák? Whom will you engage as godfather (godmother) to your son (daughter)? (see paanák, pakúgus).



Caus. of anák. To beget, procreate, make pregnant; to get another to be godfather or godmother at a christening, ask another to be godparent; to act as a midwife, assist at childbirth. Paángka (paánka, paanaká) si Fuláno sang imó bátà. Ipaanák mo ang ímo bátà sa kay Fuláno. Get N.N. to be godfather to your child. Si Fulána amó ang nagpaanák sa íya. N.N. assisted her at childbirth. (see panganák, pakúgus, pakapút, pamábdus).



(H) Causative of kúgus-, to take-, fold-, carry-, bear-, in one's arms. Also: To ask or request another to be godfather or godmother. (see pakapút, paanák).