(H) Chatterbox, great talker. (pala-, hámbal).
bâbá-an, Gossip, chatterbox. (see bura-án, wakalán, palahámbal, palasúgid, etc.).
Chatterbox, chatterer. (see buraán, wakalán, hadakán, palahámbal).
Quiet, taciturn, silent, mum, retired, saying little, mild, soft, gentle; to be or become quiet, etc. Hómoy siá nga táo. He is a quiet man, a man of few words, of a retired disposition or the like. Sádto ánay palahámbal siá kag támà kabíbo, ápang kútub sang pagbalatián níya naghómoy na siá. Formerly he used to be very talkative and of a lively disposition, but since he passed through a sickness he has become more retired. Hómoy siá sing pamatásan. He is gentle in his manners. (see úgdang, lígdong, hípus, komód).
A prefix indicative of a habit or natural inclination to what is implied by the root, e.g. palaínum, palahúbug-a drunkard (inúm, hubúg); palahámbal-chatterbox, a great talker (hámbal); palanúgid-a tale-bearer, story-teller, one given or addicted to tale-bearing (panúgid); palakádlaw-one who-laughs much and often,-is always laughing (kádlaw); palahámpang-one given or addicted to sport, a sportsman (hámpang), etc. (see para- id.).
A great chatterbox; boaster, braggart. (see wákal, buraán, palahámbal, hadakán).