Search result(s) - simarón



(Sp. cimarrón) Wild, untamed, unruly. Simarón nga báka, karabáw, etc. A wild cow, buffalo, etc. (see marón, ilá).



To reach, come up with, overtake, catch up with. Abúton ko ikáw karón. I shall soon overtake you. Dalágan ka, agúd dílì ka maábut kag sungáyon sang karabáw nga simarón. Run, lest the wild buffalo should catch and toss you. Básì maábut mo pa siá sa dálan. Possibly you may overtake him yet on the road. Nagabút gid siá, ápang walâ makaábut sang misa. He arrived, indeed, but too late for hearing Mass. (Literally: "----, but he could not reach Mass).



To practise, exercise, accustom to, train, break in, perform regularly or habitually. Anára ang batásan mo nga dílì ka na magpamuyáyaw. Try to get the habit of not using profane language-or-acquire the habit of not cursing and swearing. Naánad na akó dirí siníng lugár. I am now accustomed to this place. Indì akó maánad siníng lugár. I cannot accustom myself to this place. Naanáran-or-naándan ko na iníng lugár. I am now familiar with-, accustomed to-, this place. Ipaánad ko sa ímo iníng karabáw nga simarón. I'll hand this wild buffalo over to you to be trained or tamed. Magpaánad ka siní nga trabáho. Try to exercise-, practise-, accustom yourself to-, this kind of work (see hánas, ságad, batíd).



To tame, train, break in, domesticate. Antaá ang karabáw nga simarón. Train or tame the wild buffalo. Gamíta iníng bolobód nga iántà mo sa iláhas. Make use of this poultry-food to tame the wild chicken. Sa mabúot nga pahítò maántà man ang león, Under wise management even a lion can be tamed. (see pahagúp, ánad, buyó, rumál).



(Sp. domar) To train, tame, break in, domesticate. Makahibaló ka balá magdumár sang kabáyo? Do you know how to train horses? Hóo, kay madámù na ang ákon gindumár. Yes, for I have trained many before this. Dumahá iníng simarón nga karabáw. Tame this wild buffalo. Ipadumár ko sa ímo ang ákon kabáyo, kay akó índì makadaúg sa íya. I will let you break in my horse, for I cannot subdue it. (see ántà).



To be tame, domesticated, broken in, gentle, meek, docile. Naghagúp na ang iláhas. The wild chicken has become tame now. Pahagupá ang simarón nga karabáw, báka, etc. Tame the wild buffalo, cow, etc. Pahagupí akó siníng períko. Tame this parrot for me. Ipahagúp ko sa ímo iníng kabáyo, kay índì akó makasaráng. I'll give this horse to you to train (break in), for I cannot do it. (see ántà, mánso).



The wild chicken; wild, untamed. (see ilá, simarón).



The wild chicken; wild, untamed. (see ilá, simarón).

líod, lí-od


To put round, encircle, surround, trap, ensnare. Liodí (-orí) sing kalát ang kabáyo. Put a rope round the horse. Liodón (-orón) mo sing kalát ang karabáw nga simarón. Ensnare the wild buffalo with a rope, throw a rope round the wild buffalo. Ilíod sa líog sang kánding iní nga písì. Put this string around the goat's neck. (see síod, líkup).



Violent, ferocious, brutal, fierce, cruel; wild, not tamed, uneducated. (see maísug, mapíntas, mabangís, mailá, simarón).



(B) Wild, untamed. (see simarón id.).