Search result(s) - sinákup



Subject, dependent, subordinate; member of, affiliated with. (see sákup, ginsakúpan).



(H) To manage, lead, conduct, direct, govern, supervise, be in charge of, regulate, administer, overlook, superintend, have control of. Ikáw ang magadumála, kamí ang magatrabáho. You will give directions, and we will do the work. Dumaláhi silá sing maáyo. Govern or direct them well. Idumála akó ánay siníng mga mamumugón, kay akó sing ákon may kadtoán pa. Please supervise these workmen for me, because I have to go elsewhere. Ipadumála ko sa ímo ang ákon mga sinákup. I will hand over to your management my dependents. Mapúto gid lang silá sa íla palatikángan, kay walâ níla pagadumaláhi sing maáyo. They will surely go bankrupt in their business, because they do not-conduct-,-manage-, it well. Ang mga manugdumála kag ang mga ginadumaláhan. Rulers and ruled.



Subjects, dependents, subordinates; members of a society or confraternity, etc. (see sákup, sinákup).



As, like, similar to, resembling. Damák ikáw nga súbung sang báboy. You are as dirty as a pig. Súbung siní. At once, at this very instant, right away, immediately, without delay. Maáyo man kamí sing láwas nga súbung sang sa gihápon. We are in good health as ever. Taktaká siá nga súbung nga sinákup sang ínyo katilíngban. Dismiss him from membership in (as a member of) your society. Indì ka magsúbung sinâ. Don't act like that. Don't do such a thing. (see daw, tulád, parého, kaángay, katúlad).



With determination, in defiance of, determinately, resolutely, in spite of, notwithstanding, nevertheless, however, yet, though, although, but. Bangúd nga madánlug gid ang dálan ginámlig níya ang íya pagtikáng; tapát gánì nakadúpyas siá kag nahúlug sa kalóg. On account of the slipperiness of the road he picked his steps very carefully; yet in spite of it he slipped and fell into the ditch. Dakû gid ang íya paghingamó nga magmánggad, tapát gánì namúsmus siá. He had a great ambition to become rich; he became, however, very poor. Tapát nga íla ginahingabút ang Sánta Iglésya, tapát nagadámù ang íya mga sinákup (tapát siá nagadúgang). They may persecute the Church, but she is ever growing. (see agád, hinonóo).