See ásuang.
Aperture, orifice, fistula, outlet (of a wound for the discharge of pus, etc.). (see búswang).
To break or burst and discharge, said of swellings and ulcers. Nagbúswang na ang banóg ko. My ulcer has burst and discharged its matter. Butangí sing bulúng ang ákon púgsa agúd magabúswang sa madalì Put some medicine on the ulcer on my back to make it break soon. Ginpabúswang níla ang púgsa. They forced the ulcer on the back to break and discharge, they made the ulcer burst.
To bend the body a little forward and push with one's back. Indì ka magíswad sa ákon. Don't push me with your back. Giniswarán (-adán) akó níya. He pushed me with his back. (see iwád).
To bend the body a little forward and push with one's back. Indì ka magíswad sa ákon. Don't push me with your back. Giniswarán (-adán) akó níya. He pushed me with his back. (see iwád).
Advance, progress, getting on, making headway, extension, improvement. (úswag).
See kauswágan. (see úswad, úswag, kasamwáran).
Vegetable. See ulutanón, turulán-on, útan, láswa.
Vegetables; dishes of vegetables; to use or prepare vegetables. Laswahón ko iníng mga balátong. I will prepare these vegetables as a side-dish. Laswahí si Fuláno sing dágmay. Provide N.N. with dágmay-vegetables. Linaswahán níla ang panyága sing manámit nga mga lalaswáhon. They got ready some very tasty vegetables for dinner. (see útan, ulutanón).
(B) See lalaswáhon, ulutanón-vegetables, etc.
To pour hot water, etc., on or over something, put into hot water. Liswahí ang báboy, kay kiskisán ko. Pour hot water over the pig, for I am going to scrape off its bristles. Liswahán mo ánay ang mga pínggan kag ugáling pahíran mo kag pamálhon (pamálon). Put the plates first into hot water, then wipe and dry them. Ilíswa ang túbig sa pínggan. Pour hot water over the plate, wash the plate with hot water. Liniswahán ko ang dalók nga idô. I poured hot water on the greedy dog.
Progressive, prosperous, extending, making progress, getting on, making one's way in the world; postponing, procrastinating, prolonging, protracting. (see úswag).
Progressive, making-progress,-headway, going ahead, forging ahead, prosperous, getting on, going on well. (see úswag, mainuswagón).
A kind of Chinese vermicelli, but finer than sutánghon.
To spirt (spurt) out in a rather large stream or quantity, to squirt. Ang túbig nagapóswak sa túbo. The water is spirting out of the tube. Naposwakán akó sing nánà sang íya dakû nga hubág. I was sprinkled (spattered) with matter from his large boil. (see búswak).
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