A fabulous creature, half man and half horse; centaur, hippocentaur. (see sáyhò id.).
A large draught, drink, potion, pull; to drink greedily, take a large (long) draught, to guzzle, gulp, toss off, empty at one pull, drink deep, finish a glass (bottle) at one draught (gulp, go, pull). Gintáyhong níya ang isá ka dakû nga báso nga tubâ. He emptied a large glass of toddy at one gulp (go). Itáyhong na lang ang ímo serbésa, kay malakát na kitá. Toss off your beer and let us go. (see tíbiong, láb-ok, tayón, inúm).
See táihop-to blow through a tube, etc.
To guzzle, quaff, to drink in long and copious draughts, gulp down. Haróthotá lang iníng tubâ nga sa báso. Swallow this glass of toddy at one draught. (see táyhong).
(B) To drink greedily or in large draughts, swill, toss off, gulp down. Lauká lang iníng isá ka báso nga bíno. Toss off this glass of wine. Ginlaukán níla nga duhá ang baláding nga tubâ kag nagkalahubúg (nagkabalúng) silá. Both of them took large draughts of toddy from the pail and got drunk. (see láb-ok, táyhong).
(H) A pair of bellows, an air-pump, any instrument for causing a stream of air, as a tube to blow a fire with, etc. (see táyhop).
To pour out, empty (out), drain, exhaust; to drink off, finish off, toss off; to transfuse, pour from one vessel into another (particularly said of liquids). Itígis (Tigísa) ang bíno sa báso. Pour the wine into the glass. Tigísi ang tádyaw sang túbig nga arâ sa bayóng. Pour the water from the bamboo tube into the earthen jar. Gintígis níya sing gólpe ang isá ka báso nga serbésa. He drained (tossed off) a glass of beer at one draught (go). (see tíbiong, tayón, bóbò, táyhong, láb-ok, inúm).
To empty entirely, exhaust, drain completely, drink or drain to the last drop; to spend to the last farthing. Gintîtî níya ang ápdo sang kalisúd. He drained the gall of bitter grief (misfortune). Daw sa matîtî na lang akó sa kabúdlay. I am now getting completely spent (exhausted) with fatigue. Nagtîtî siá sang tanán níya nga kalalángan. He has exhausted all his resources. He spent all his means. (see tígis, tíin, úrut, úbus, táyhong).
To pour out liquids, empty a vessel, discharge, spill, pour away. Iúlà (Uláa) ang túbig. Pour out the water. Ginúlà níya sa bintánà ang túbig nga sa labadór. He poured the water in the wash-basin out of the window. Nauláan akó sing túbig sang paglígad (paglubás) ko sa íla baláy. As I passed their house some water was poured over me. Ginúlà níya ang sópas. He spilled the soup. Natúmba ang báso kag ang íya panápton nauláan sing pilá ka tolô nga bíno. The glass tumbled over and a few drops of wine were spilt on her dress. (see básia, básya, tíbiong, táyhong, tayón, tígis, tágay).
To pour out liquids, empty a vessel, discharge, spill, pour away. Iúlà (Uláa) ang túbig. Pour out the water. Ginúlà níya sa bintánà ang túbig nga sa labadór. He poured the water in the wash-basin out of the window. Nauláan akó sing túbig sang paglígad (paglubás) ko sa íla baláy. As I passed their house some water was poured over me. Ginúlà níya ang sópas. He spilled the soup. Natúmba ang báso kag ang íya panápton nauláan sing pilá ka tolô nga bíno. The glass tumbled over and a few drops of wine were spilt on her dress. (see básia, básya, tíbiong, táyhong, tayón, tígis, tágay).