Staff, pole, shaft, post. Ang tampulingán sang hayáhay. The flagstaff.
Well-bucket. See tímbà.
(H) The very ripe (black and sweet) lúmboy-fruit.
(H) A kind of fish.
Crustiness, thickness; to thicken, to harden, become crusty, to crust or incrust, said of dirt, dusty perspiration on the body, too much starch on clothes and the like. Nagákmol sa íya nawóng ang bálhas kag bulíng. Perspiration and dirt incrusted his face or his face was coated with sweat and dust. May duhá ukón tátlo ka báhin sang ákon báyò nga ginpaákmol sang mamumunák sang almidón. My dress was coated with starch in two or three places by the washerwoman. Kabáskug siníng pakô nga naakmolán sang almidón! Oh, the stiffness of this over-starched sleeve! (see dákmol, dámol, ápol).
A young or small turíngan, tulíngan-fish.
Care, attention, caution; to handle with care, to guard well or be careful with. Amligí ang bág-o nga kínke. Handle the new lamp with care. Ginamligán níya ang íya panápton, agúd índì mabulingán. He was careful with his clothes, lest they should become soiled. Iámlig akó ánay siní. Please take care of this for me. Paamligán mo sa íya ang mga báso, agúd nga dílì mabúong. Tell him to handle the glasses with care, lest they should be broken. Ipaámlig sa íya ang tanán nga mga galamitón sa baláy. Let him look carefully after all the furniture in the house. (see ándam, kaámlig, mainamlígon).
A fish that somewhat resembles the tulíngan.
To swell out, be protuberant, bulge, protrude, (as a full pocket or the like). Nagabáknal ang íya bólsa. His pocket bulges. Nabaknalán ang íya bólsa sang kamúnsil. His pocket is stuffed with kamunsel-fruit. Dî mo pagpabaknalón ang ímo bólsa sing lakás, kay básì magísì. Don't stuff your pocket too tight, for it might be torn. Kon mga saráng, tanawá kon may púling ang ákon matá, kay may nagabáknal sa sulúd. Kindly have a look whether there is a speck in my eye, for something is stirring or swelling within it.
To spot, speck, spatter, stain, soil, fleck with some adhesive matter. Nabulítan akó sang lúnang. I was covered with mud. Ang pintúra nagbúlit sang ákon delárgo. The paint spotted my trousers. Indì mo pagibúlit ang sabáw sa íya nga báyò. Don't spatter his jacket with sauce. (see bulíng, músing, hígkò).
See bulínga-roe, spawn.
See bulingót-to frown, etc.
Stain, blot, blotch, splash, smut, smudge, grime, spot, smear, daub, smirch, blemish; to stain, blot, mar, foul, etc. Ang dágtà sang salâ. The stain of sin. Nadagtaán siá sing lúnang, tínta, etc. He got stained with mud, with ink, etc. Idágtà mo sa íyang báyò iníng tínta. Stain his jacket with this ink. Ang kalág sang Mahál nga Birhen walâ madagtaí sang salâ nga panublión. The soul of the Blessed Virgin was not stained by original sin. Dinagtaán níya ang kadunggánan sang íya panimaláy. He besmirched the honour of his family. (see músing, bulíng, hígkò).
Reeling, stumbling, tottering; to reel, stumble, totter, as a drunken person, or the like. (see paniwáding, dulíngdúling).
Dim. and Freq. of dúyug. Also: to shake, stagger, reel, tremble with weakness, walk unsteadily. Nagaduyúgduyúg siá sang pagtíndog níya, kay malúya pa siá tungúd nga bág-o lang siá nagáyo sa balatían. When he stood up he shook with weakness, for he is still feeble on account of his late illness. (see dulíngdúling).
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