Search result(s) - bákal



Buyer, purchaser, customer. (see bakál, súkì).

A prefix denoting the present tense active frequentative. Changes that pan- undergoes are determined by the following rules:

a.) nagapam-is used with verbs beginning with "m", "b" or "p", e.g. nagapamalá (malá); nagapamakál (bakál); nagapamángkot (pángkot). N.B. Verbs beginning with the letter "m" have the same form for the Freq. and Caus., e.g. pamalá (malá). In such cases the context has to decide the true meaning.

b.) nagapan-is used with verbs beginning with "d", "s" or "t", e.g. nagapanámgo (dámgo); nagapanílhig (sílhig); nagapanístis (tístis).

c.) nagapang-is used with verbs beginning with "h", "l" or "y", e.g. nagapanghunâhúnà (hunâhúnà); nagapanglángbas (lángbas); nagapangyáwyaw (yáwyaw).

d.) nagapang-is used with verbs beginning with a vowel or "k", e.g. nagapangámpò (ámpò); nagapangínit (ínit); nagapangúbug (úbug); nagapangótkot (kótkot); nagapangisáykísay (kisáykísay).

N.B. The corresponding forms for the past, imperative and future (nagpan-, magpan-and magapan-) are often shortened into nam-, nan-, nang-, nang-; mam-, man-, mang-, mang-, e.g. nangáyò (nagpangáyò); nangabúdlay (nagpangabúdlay); nanúmbung (nagpanúmbung); mamányos (magapamányos); mangutána (magpangutána), etc. etc.



Freq. of bakál-to buy, etc. Ang pamakál kag pamalígyà. Buying and selling. Baráto (Mahál) siá sing pamakál. He buys cheap (dear).



(H) Freq. of baláklon, bakál. To visit shops with the intention of making purchases, to buy goods, to go out shopping. Nagapamaláklon pa silá. They are still buying goods. Kon tápus na kamó makapamaláklon bumálik kamó dirí sa ámon sa madalî. When you have done (finished) your shopping, come back to us here at once. (see pamakál).



A prefix denoting plurality. It indicates:-

1.) an often repeated action, or an action done by way of trade or profession, e.g. Ang pamalígyà kag pamakál (pan, balígyà; pan, bakál)-Buying and selling.

2.) the way, manner, form, shape, of what the root implies, e.g. Matáas siá sing pamáa (pan, páa)-He is long-legged. Maláin ang íya pamábà (pan, bábà)-He uses bad language. His mouth is vile.

3.) the looking for, or gathering of, what the root implies, e.g. pangáhoy (pan, káhoy)-to gather wood; pangítà (pan, kítà)-to seek.

Note. In the above examples pan-has changed into pam-and pang-, the n of pan-being influenced by the initial letter of the root.

Before r no change is made, e.g. panrára.

Before d, n, s, t, the n of pan-remains unchanged, but the first letter of the root is dropped, e.g. panalók (pan, dalók); panúsnus (pan, núsnus); panabát (pan, sabát); panúluk (pan, túluk).

Before b, f, m, p, the n of pan-is changed to m, and the first letter of the root is dropped, e.g. pamáklay, (pan, báklay); pamuérsa (pan, fuérsa); pamúkmuk (pan, múkmuk); pamígos (pan, pígos).

Before k and the vowels pang-is written, and the k is dropped, e.g. pangúlbà (pan, kúlbà); pangáway (pan, áway); panginúm (pan, inúm); pangólhot (pan, ólhot); pangúrut (pan, úrut).

Before g, h, l, w, y either pan-or pang is written, e.g. pangábut or panggábut (gábut); panhálad or panghálad (halad); panlángbas or panglángbas (lángbas); panwárik or pangwárik (wárik); panyáwyaw or pangyáwyaw (yáwyaw).

For the composite forms nagpan-, magapan-, magpan-the shortened forms nan-, nang-, nang-, nam-, man-, mang-, mang-, mam-, are mostly used, the choice depending on the tense and the first letter of the root, e.g. Nagpanglakát na silá-or-nanglakát na silá. They have gone.



(H) How many? How much? An uncertain number (but usually more than one). Pilá ka mángmang ang kinahánglan mo? How many pesos do you need? Pilá ang ginbáyad mo sinâ-or-pilá ang bakál mo sinâ? How much did you pay for that-or-for how much did you buy that? Mga pilá lang ka táo ang nagtalámbong. Only a few people attended. Pilá ang edád mo-or-pilá ka túig ang edád mo? How old are you? What is your age? (pirá id.).



The heart-wood, the hard part of a tree, wood thoroughly mature (ripe) and seasoned. (see bákal-alburnum, sap-wood, the soft or outer part of a tree, often also different in colour from the hard or inner part of wood).



-um-, This syllable goes to form the following tenses: the Active Imperative, the Conditional Future, the Past. When the verb begins with a vowel, um-is put before the vowel, e.g. abút-to come, becomes umabút. When the verb begins with a consonant, um-is put after the consonant, e.g. halín-to depart, becomes humalín.

1) Active Imperative. Bumúhat ka sinâ. Do it. Make it. Uminúm ka na kag pumadáyon sang ímo paglakát. Take a drink and continue your journey. (búhat, inúm, padáyon).

2) Conditional Future. Kon lumígad na ang tátlo ka ádlaw bayáran mo akó sing (sa) waláy balíbad. After three days you must pay me without shift. Kon dumángat ka sinâ--. When (If) you obtain that--. (lígad, dángat).

3) The Past. In vivid narrative equivalent to what is called the Historical Present. Sang pagkabatî níya siní sa gilayón umílis siá kag lumakát. On hearing this he at once changes his clothes and sets out. Tumalikód lang siá kag humípus. All he does is to turn his back saying nothing. "Si Hesús nalóoy sa íya kag sumilíng:"--. Jesus had mercy on her and said:"--. Tumíndog na man si Nikolás, "Hóo, may katarúngan siá", sumalígbat siá sang íla halambalánon. Nicolas too stands up, and interrupting their conversation, blurts out: "Yes he is right". (ílis, lakát, talikód, hípus, silíng, tíndog, salígbat).

N.B. If, further, "l" is put after the first vowel of the verb, we get the forms umal-, umil-, umol-, umul-, which denote the agent of what the root signifies, e.g. umalági-a passer-by (ági); pumililî-an elector, voter (pílì); tumolóo-a believer (tóo); bumulúthò-one who goes to school, a student, pupil, alumnus (búthò); bumulúlig, bumululíg-helper, assistant (búlig); bumalákal-buyer, customer (bakál); tumalánum-planter, farmer (tanúm); sumilílhig-sweeper (sílhig); dumalalá-manager, conductor, leader, etc. etc. (see inm-, mag-, nag-, manug-, tig-, tag-).



-um-, This syllable goes to form the following tenses: the Active Imperative, the Conditional Future, the Past. When the verb begins with a vowel, um-is put before the vowel, e.g. abút-to come, becomes umabút. When the verb begins with a consonant, um-is put after the consonant, e.g. halín-to depart, becomes humalín.

1) Active Imperative. Bumúhat ka sinâ. Do it. Make it. Uminúm ka na kag pumadáyon sang ímo paglakát. Take a drink and continue your journey. (búhat, inúm, padáyon).

2) Conditional Future. Kon lumígad na ang tátlo ka ádlaw bayáran mo akó sing (sa) waláy balíbad. After three days you must pay me without shift. Kon dumángat ka sinâ--. When (If) you obtain that--. (lígad, dángat).

3) The Past. In vivid narrative equivalent to what is called the Historical Present. Sang pagkabatî níya siní sa gilayón umílis siá kag lumakát. On hearing this he at once changes his clothes and sets out. Tumalikód lang siá kag humípus. All he does is to turn his back saying nothing. "Si Hesús nalóoy sa íya kag sumilíng:"--. Jesus had mercy on her and said:"--. Tumíndog na man si Nikolás, "Hóo, may katarúngan siá", sumalígbat siá sang íla halambalánon. Nicolas too stands up, and interrupting their conversation, blurts out: "Yes he is right". (ílis, lakát, talikód, hípus, silíng, tíndog, salígbat).

N.B. If, further, "l" is put after the first vowel of the verb, we get the forms umal-, umil-, umol-, umul-, which denote the agent of what the root signifies, e.g. umalági-a passer-by (ági); pumililî-an elector, voter (pílì); tumolóo-a believer (tóo); bumulúthò-one who goes to school, a student, pupil, alumnus (búthò); bumulúlig, bumululíg-helper, assistant (búlig); bumalákal-buyer, customer (bakál); tumalánum-planter, farmer (tanúm); sumilílhig-sweeper (sílhig); dumalalá-manager, conductor, leader, etc. etc. (see inm-, mag-, nag-, manug-, tig-, tag-).



Retail, small quantity, little by little; to retail, deal in small quantities, do little by little, by little and little, in small instalments, etc. Ginautáyutáy lang níya ang pagbáyad sang íya útang. He is paying off his debt in small amounts at a time (in (by) instalments). Maáyo kon índì mo pagtíngban sang íya galastóhon ang bátà mo nga nagatoón sa Manílà, kóndì utáyutayán mo lang. It is advisable (good policy) not to give your son that is studying in Manila the whole amount for his expenses in a lump sum, but to let him have it by instalments (by small remittances from time to time). Bungkagá lang ang isá mo ka manóso (máno) nga tabákò kag ipautáyutáy, agúd madalî maúrut sang bakál. Just undo one of your bundles of tobacco-leaves and sell it retail so that it may be bought up soon. Nagabalígyà siá sing utáyutáy. He is selling retail. He is a retail-merchant. (see píndak-wholesale).



Retail, small quantity, little by little; to retail, deal in small quantities, do little by little, by little and little, in small instalments, etc. Ginautáyutáy lang níya ang pagbáyad sang íya útang. He is paying off his debt in small amounts at a time (in (by) instalments). Maáyo kon índì mo pagtíngban sang íya galastóhon ang bátà mo nga nagatoón sa Manílà, kóndì utáyutayán mo lang. It is advisable (good policy) not to give your son that is studying in Manila the whole amount for his expenses in a lump sum, but to let him have it by instalments (by small remittances from time to time). Bungkagá lang ang isá mo ka manóso (máno) nga tabákò kag ipautáyutáy, agúd madalî maúrut sang bakál. Just undo one of your bundles of tobacco-leaves and sell it retail so that it may be bought up soon. Nagabalígyà siá sing utáyutáy. He is selling retail. He is a retail-merchant. (see píndak-wholesale).



A door-post, an upright post, especially one in a partition wall; studding. Also used as a verb. Bakalaní ang díngding sing limá ka bakalán. Put five uprights into the partition. (see pagtúod).



(Sp. bacalao, bacallao) Codfish.



Little by little, step by step; to do slowly, gradually, leisurely, etc. Nagpadásig balá kamó sang ínyo paglakát?-Walâ, kóndì amát-ámat lang. Did you walk quickly?-No, quite slowly. Amát-amáton nínyo ang pagarádo. Plough slowly, little by little. Naamát-amátan gid námon sa pagbakál ang kalámay. We bought sugar only in small quantities at a time.



(Sp. atado) Tied, bound; a bundle or heap; a certain measure, particularly used in selling small fish. Nakabakál akó sing duhá ka atádo nga bilóng-bilóng, balingón, etc. I have bought two measures of bilóng-bilóng, balingón etc. N.B. Fish are often arranged for sale in little heaps to suit the dealer and his customers. The size of the heap may range from a handful to a hatful, and the price of each heap may vary from two centavos to half a peso, according to the quantity and quality of the fish. (see dulún, túmpok).



See bakaláw-codfish.



A panel, the portion of a partition contained between two uprights. Ang díngding nga sa ginútlan sang duhá ka bakalán ginatawág nga banáta. The partition between two upright posts is called "banáta".



(Sp. barato) Cheap, low-priced, costing little; to be, become or make cheap, to cheapen. Ginabaráto níla ang pagbalígyà, kay kon mahalón, walâ sing mabakál. They are selling cheap, for if they sell dear, nobody will buy. Baratóhon mo ang pagbalígyà sinâ. Sell it cheap. Baratóhi akó sing diótay nga daúg mo. Give me a little of the stake you won. Nagbaráto na ang humáy, kay maáyo ang patubás. Rice has gone down in price, for the harvest is good. (see mahál-dear).



A full bar; in bars, by the bar. Nakabakál akó sing habón nga binaríta. I bought some soap in bars. (baríta).



Bundled together, in a bundle, parcel, bale, batch, lot, pack, set, by the bundle, packet, package, parcel, fagot, etc. Binúgkos nga káhoy. A fagot (faggot) of firewood. Nakabakál akó sing tabákò, lánot, etc. nga binúgkos. I bought some tobacco, hemp, etc. in bundles or by the bundle. (búgkos).

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