Search result(s) - galít



Savings, something saved or hoarded (through economy, frugality, etc. see kínot).



Cracked, split, flawed, rifted, fissured; to crack, split, flaw, rift, become fissured; to be worried, perplexed, upset. Naglitík ang bangâ. The water-cooler has cracked. Indì mo pagbutangán ang báso sing túbig nga inínit, kay básì magalitík. Don't put hot water in the glass, for it might crack. Litík nga gorgoríta. A cracked water-jar. Palítkon (Palitikón) ko karón ang úlo mo. I'll split your head. Palítki (Palitikí) siá sang íya ólo. Split his head. Nagalitík ang ákon úlo tungúd siní. I am very much worried about it. Amó inâ nga butáng ang nagapalitík karón sang íya úlo. That is the thing that upsets him,-worries him, at present. (see balanâ, bukâ, balángkà, píhak, bíal).



To migrate, move, go to live in another place, transfer one's abode, go to reside somewhere else (mostly with the intention of coming back to one's former place of residence after some time). Naglíton na silá sa umá. They have gone to live at the farm. Ginlíton níla ang íla pagpuyô sa Manílà. They went to live in Manila. Sán-o kamó magalíton sa umá? When will you transfer your residence to the farm? Ginlíton níya ang íya panimaláy sa Mindanáw. He went with his family to live in Mindanao. He emigrated with his family to Mindanao. Litóni ang umá. Líton ka sa umá. Go to live at the farm. (see kádto, amoyóng, puyô, lúntad, sáylo).



Waste, profligacy, prodigality; to waste (money, etc.), be a spendthrift, be prodigal, profligate, extravagant, lavish. (see buhahâ, úsik, uyáng, )



Waste, profligacy, prodigality; to waste (money, etc.), be a spendthrift, be prodigal, profligate, extravagant, lavish. (see buhahâ, úsik, uyáng, )

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