Search result(s) - lásì



To clear away rust from iron by heating and hammering, purify metals by fire. Ang manugsálsal nagahínlas sang salsálon. The smith is cleaning the iron (by making it red-hot and then hammering it on the anvil). Hinlasí iníng salsálon nga toktokón. Purify this rusty iron.



To dry (rice, etc.) by artificial means. The "húlas" is often resorted to in rainy weather, when sun-drying is often out of the question for many days in succession. Hulása ang humáy, kay bayohón ko. Dry the rice, for I am going to pound it. Hulási akó sing tátlo ka gántang nga humáy. Dry three gantas of rice for me. May hinúlas kamó? Have you any dry rice (dried artificially)?

To jump, fly off, be propelled, etc. (see lásik, lasíklásik, ágsik, ásang).



To tear, pull, drag off by force (vines, creepers, etc.). Maglalás ka sang balágon-or-lalasá (lálsa) ang balágon. Tear off the vine. Lalasí ang bató sang kadéna de amór. Tear the kadena de amor away from the stone. Ginlalás gid lámang sang mga buyóng ang matahúm nga mga kortína sa balatonán. The robbers pulled down by force the beautiful curtains in the reception-room. Ilalás sa atóp nga kógon iníng kawáyan nga may singít. Pull down the cogon-roof with this bamboo that has a hook attached to it. (see káskas).



Groove, etc. See lásio.



(H) To strip, cut into small strips buri-leaves or the like, to shred. Lilása ang burí. Cut the buri-leaves into strips. Lilási akó sing burí. Make for me some strips from buri-leaves. Liláson mo ang burí sing magamáy. Divide the buri-leaves into small strips. Maglílas ka sang burí sing magamáy, kay himóon ko nga kálò. Make small strips of the buri-leaves, for I am going to make a hat of them. (see ríras).



To fly, jump off to a distance (like pieces of stone or chips of wood, etc.). Naglisík ang inágsap sang káhoy sa malayô. The chips of wood flew off to a distance. Nalisikán (nalískan) akó sang inágsap sang bató. I was struck by a flying piece of stone. Malayô ang íya nalískan. He quickly moved away, swiftly stepped aside, scampered off to a safe distance. (see ásik, lásik, ágsik, ásang, ályas).

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