(H) Place where salt is kept, salt-cellar, (asín).
Also: A meeting in honour of a person that has recently died; a wake. (see belasyón).
Dim. and Freq. of lásik. (see lagsíklágsik id.).
Giddy, dizzy, confused; fuddled, drunk, inebriate. (see libúg, lingín, alingógngog, hubúg, balúng).
Groove, channel, canal; to groove, channel. Lasiohí ang kawáyan, pagtúod, etc. Groove the bamboo, the upright, etc. Make a groove in the bamboo, etc. (see kordíso).
Caus. of lásik-to scatter, fly or jump off, etc.
To put away secretly or fraudulently, to hide-, conceal-, transfer to someone else-, part of one's lands or assets in order to avoid payment of taxes, sequestration, or the like. Sang pagembárgo sang íya nga pagkabutáng ginpalasík níya ang ibán nga mga pinunâ sang íya dútà. When his property was sequestrated he managed to have some parcels of his land transferred to someone else. Kon masápwan ikáw nga nagpalasík ikáw sang amó nga palangúmhan pagasilótan ka sing dakû. If it is found out that you have transferred that farm to someone else, you will be severely punished.
(H) Deserving to be-insulted,-reviled,-vilified,-treated with ignominy; contemptible, despicable, mean, vile, wicked. (see pasipála).
(from the Latin "placebo)" The ringing of bells for and during the "Libera" with absolution of the dead after mass; to ring the bells for the funeral services of a deceased adult. Plasibóhi ang minatáy. Ring the bells (toll the bells) for the dead. (see úndras).
To fly off, scatter, spray, splash, bespatter. Sang pagbí-al ko sang káhoy ang mga inágsap nagágsik sa malayô. When I split the wood, the chips flew to a distance. Naagsikán akó sang lúnang. I got bespattered with mud. Indì ka magpalapít dirâ, kay básì maagsikán ka sing binílbig nga bató. Don't go near there, for you may be hit by a flying piece of stone. Paagsiká ang bató. Let the stone-chips fly. (see ásang, ásik, ápok, lásik).
To smear-, plaster-, over, coat, daub, surface, give a coat of paint or plaster, anoint with salve, ointment or the like. Daplasí sing bárnis ang kwádro. Coat the frame with varnish. Give the frame a coat of varnish. Gindaplasán níya ang íya likód sing búyò. He plastered his back with buyo-leaves. Idáplas iníng pínta sa lamésa. Use this paint to paint the table. Dinaplasán níya ang íya hubág sing támbal. He put a medicinal plaster on his ulcer. Daplasí ang padér sing ápog. White-wash-, lime-wash-, the wall. (see háplas, dámla, pálhit).
To apply a-salve,-ointment,-plaster, etc. to rub, stroke, scratch. Dapolása ang hubág, ang bútkon, etc. Put a plaster on the boil, the arm, etc. Dapolási siá sa likód. Put a plaster on his back. Idapólas iníng bulúng sa íya pilás. Use this medicine to treat his wound. (see háplas, hapúlas, hámpul, támbal, dáplas, apóhap, kálot).
To dab, smear, put on, overspread with something unctuous or adhesive, salve, rub in an ointment or the like. Haplasí siá sing lánggaw. Rub him with vinegar. Iháplas sa íya iníng lána. Rub this coconut-oil on him. May inogháplas kamó sa síkmat? Have you any ointment for back-ache? (Metaphorically: Hinaplasán níya siá sing mga hámbal nga matám-is. He "rubbed him down" with soft words. He "softsoaped" him). (see pálhit, hapúlas, apóhap, unís, odót, etc.).
To get chafed, a little red or inflamed. Nagahímà ang hítà sang bátà kay matámbok. The baby's groins are chafed; it is so fat. Haplasí ang bátà sing baselína, agud índì paghimáan. Rub some vaseline on the baby's skin, lest it should become chafed. (N.B. hímà is particularly applied to getting chafed between the thighs or in the groins). (see híbas, taís, etc.).
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