To fly or jump off as a chip of wood, stone, etc. Naapókan akó sang napíngas nga bató. I was struck by a flying piece of stone. Diótay lang akó apókan sang bató. The flying stone nearly hit me. Nagápok ang inágsap nga káhoy sa malayô. The chip of wood flew far. Inápok ang napíngas nga bató. The chip of stone was sent flying off. Inapókan siá sang isá ka báhin sang rekamará nga naglupók. He was hit by a piece of the mortar that burst. (see ásik, ágsik, ásang, ályas).
Eczema of the face, an eruptive skin disease, often starting at the corners of the mouth and spreading rapidly.
To fly off, scatter, spray, splash, bespatter. Sang pagbí-al ko sang káhoy ang mga inágsap nagágsik sa malayô. When I split the wood, the chips flew to a distance. Naagsikán akó sang lúnang. I got bespattered with mud. Indì ka magpalapít dirâ, kay básì maagsikán ka sing binílbig nga bató. Don't go near there, for you may be hit by a flying piece of stone. Paagsiká ang bató. Let the stone-chips fly. (see ásang, ásik, ápok, lásik).
Eczematous, pertaining to-, affected by-, the skin disease called "ápok".
To jump, dart, fly off (as chips of stone, etc.). Nagásang ang binókbok nga bató sa malayô. The crushed stone flew off to a great distance. Naasángan akó sing balás, túbig, lúnang, etc. I got bespattered with sand, water, mud, etc. Dî mo pagpaasángon ang bató. Don't send the chips of stone flying in all directions. (see ásik, ápok, ályas).
See ágsik, ápok, ásang. Naasíkan akó sang túbig. I got splashed with water.
To sprinkle, besprinkle, spatter, bespatter, scatter, etc. See ásik, ágsik, ápok, ásang, wisík, lásik, lágsik).
To disperse, scatter, fly off in a cloud of dust. Kon báyhon (bayohón, báywon) ang humáy nga háp-og magatáp-ok ang íya upá. When brittle rice is pounded the husks fly off in a cloud of dust. Natap-okán kamí sang yáb-ok. We were surrounded by (enveloped in) a cloud of dust. (see alintabó, ápok, ásik, etc.).
The noise of a book, board, sheet of iron, etc. falling flat; to clap, flop, slap, plump, slam. Naglagápok ang mga tulún-an nga nadágdag sa estánte. The books that fell down from the case slammed on the floor. The books fell down from the case with a bang. Diín ang hulút nga ginalagapókan? Where is the room from which the noise comes? (see lágpok, linagápok).
Fine wet sand, slippery sediment in water, rivers, etc.; slime, viscous mud.
A confused noise, clatter, crash, as of falling boards, or the like. See lagápok.
See sulápuk-whim, etc.
To be or become brittle, weak, easily breakable or fragile. Natapokán akó siníng hílo. This thread is too weak for my purpose. Nagtapók na iníng hénero. This cloth is worn out, has lost its strength, easily tears.
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