To jump, dart, fly off (as chips of stone, etc.). Nagásang ang binókbok nga bató sa malayô. The crushed stone flew off to a great distance. Naasángan akó sing balás, túbig, lúnang, etc. I got bespattered with sand, water, mud, etc. Dî mo pagpaasángon ang bató. Don't send the chips of stone flying in all directions. (see ásik, ápok, ályas).
To fly off, scatter, spray, splash, bespatter. Sang pagbí-al ko sang káhoy ang mga inágsap nagágsik sa malayô. When I split the wood, the chips flew to a distance. Naagsikán akó sang lúnang. I got bespattered with mud. Indì ka magpalapít dirâ, kay básì maagsikán ka sing binílbig nga bató. Don't go near there, for you may be hit by a flying piece of stone. Paagsiká ang bató. Let the stone-chips fly. (see ásang, ásik, ápok, lásik).
To fly off, to fly out in all directions from a hole or receptacle, as rice grains from the mortar, if pounded unskilfully. Magaálias ang humáy sa lusóng kon tótwon sing bikwálon. Rice-grains will fly off in all directions from the mortar, if pounded awkwardly. Dî mo pagpaaliasón ang humáy. Don't let the rice-grains scatter. Don't send the rice-grains scattering or flying off in all directions. Sang pagbayó ni Fuláno naaliasán ang salúg sing madámù nga bináto nga humáy. When N.N. was pounding rice, many grains flew out and scattered over the floor. (see ályas, id.; ásik, ágsik, ásang, álwak, ályak-to spill (of water, etc.); wisík-to sprinkle, splash).
To fly or jump off as a chip of wood, stone, etc. Naapókan akó sang napíngas nga bató. I was struck by a flying piece of stone. Diótay lang akó apókan sang bató. The flying stone nearly hit me. Nagápok ang inágsap nga káhoy sa malayô. The chip of wood flew far. Inápok ang napíngas nga bató. The chip of stone was sent flying off. Inapókan siá sang isá ka báhin sang rekamará nga naglupók. He was hit by a piece of the mortar that burst. (see ásik, ágsik, ásang, ályas).
See ágsik, ápok, ásang. Naasíkan akó sang túbig. I got splashed with water.
To jump, fly off, be propelled, etc. (see lásik, lasíklásik, ágsik, ásang).
(H) To bespatter, besprinkle, cast upon. Nalám-os akó sang lalaó. I got bespattered with mud. Sín-o ang naglám-os sang ímo guyá? Who bespattered your face? Linam-osán níya ang ákon báyò sing ápog. He sprinkled lime on my jacket. Indì mo pagilám-os sa íya iníng kapáyas nga dunút. Don't throw this rotten papaw at him. (see ásik, ásang, wisík).
To fly, jump off to a distance (like pieces of stone or chips of wood, etc.). Naglisík ang inágsap sang káhoy sa malayô. The chips of wood flew off to a distance. Nalisikán (nalískan) akó sang inágsap sang bató. I was struck by a flying piece of stone. Malayô ang íya nalískan. He quickly moved away, swiftly stepped aside, scampered off to a safe distance. (see ásik, lásik, ágsik, ásang, ályas).
To sprinkle, besprinkle, spatter, bespatter, scatter, etc. See ásik, ágsik, ápok, ásang, wisík, lásik, lágsik).
The gills of a fish.
Foolishness, folly, stupidity, silliness, shallowness, stolidity, fatuity, nonsense, condition of one who talks foolishly or has silly ideas. (see lásang).
Folly, stupidity, twaddle, silly talk. (see kalásang).
(B) The day before yesterday. (Kang isaráng hápon, sang isá ka hápon).
Trial, probation, examination. (see sánghid).
Width, etc. See kasángkad, kasangkarón.