To spill. See álwak id.
To fly off, to fly out in all directions from a hole or receptacle, as rice grains from the mortar, if pounded unskilfully. Magaálias ang humáy sa lusóng kon tótwon sing bikwálon. Rice-grains will fly off in all directions from the mortar, if pounded awkwardly. Dî mo pagpaaliasón ang humáy. Don't let the rice-grains scatter. Don't send the rice-grains scattering or flying off in all directions. Sang pagbayó ni Fuláno naaliasán ang salúg sing madámù nga bináto nga humáy. When N.N. was pounding rice, many grains flew out and scattered over the floor. (see ályas, id.; ásik, ágsik, ásang, álwak, ályak-to spill (of water, etc.); wisík-to sprinkle, splash).
Spilling, spilth; to spill. Kon uyúgon ang báso, magaálwak ang túbig. If the glass is shaken, the water will spill. Indì mo pagpaalwakón ang túbig sa pitsíl. Don't spill the water out of the pitcher. Naalwakán ang lamésa sang túbig. The water was spilt on the table. (see ályak id.).
To issue, come forth, spill, flow over. Nagabukálwà ang túbig. The water is being spilled or is flowing over. Nagbukálwà ang íya láway. Saliva flowed from his mouth (in a stream). Dílì mo pagpabukalwaón ang tinóla. Don't spill the sauce of the side-dish. Pabukalwaí ang báso sing diótay nga túbig, agúd magtínlò ang íya bibíg. Spill a little water from the glass, so that its edge may become clean. Pinabukalwaán níla ang lamésa sing tínta. They spilt some ink on the table. (see álwak, ályak, úlyas, úlyak).
To spill, etc. See álwak, ályak.
To spill, etc. See álwak, ályak.
See paálwak id.
A kind of plant. (kalyákay id.).
To spill, cause to spill, to slop. Indì mo pagpaalwakón ang tubâ. Don't spill the tubâ. (pa, álwak; paályak id.).