Search result(s) - líga



To squeeze, compress or crush to pulp, soften, make pliable by rubbing or rolling (of leaves, peas and beans, etc. previous to using as a plaster or the like). Ligasá ang búyò. Soften the búyò-leaf. Ligasí akó sing dáhon sang katúmbal, kay itámbal ko sa púgsa. Crush some chili-leaves for me, because I am going to use them as a plaster for the boil. (see hálmok).



(Sp. regatón, regatear) See regatón-a huckster; to peddle, etc. Nagaligatón siá sing mga (Manugligatón siá sang) ságing, páho, talóng, etc. He is selling (He is a vendor of) bananas, mangoes, eggplant, etc.



To transfer or remove to another site, set up somewhere else, especially applied to small native houses, first taking off and transporting the roof and then the rest. Ligáwon nínyo ang ákon baláy. Transfer my house to another site. Ligáwi nínyo ang ákon útud sang íya baláy nga árà dirâ sa bánwa kag dálhon nínyo sa umá. Transfer my brother's town house to the farm. (see óhong-to remove a house, posts and roof, in one load, to another place).



Sun; day; daylight; to be or become daylight; to pass or spend a day. Nagabútlak na ang ádlaw. The sun is rising. Adlaw na; lakát kitá. It's daylight now; let us go. Kon magádlaw (umádlaw) na, pagadayúnon ta ang áton paglakát. When daylight appears, we will continue our march. Sa sulúd sang duhá ukón tátlo ka ádlaw mapamanílà akó. Within two or three days I'll depart for Manila. Naadlawán kitá dídto. We passed a full day there. Naduhaán kitá ka ádlaw dídto. We spent two days there. Sa ádlaw nga Miérkoles. On Wednesday. Sang naglígad nga ádlaw nga Miérkoles. Last Wednesday. Maáyo nga ádlaw. Good day. Good morning. Adlaw nga inugpuása kag inugpaúmud sa kárne. A day of fasting and abstinence. Sang isá sinâ nga mga ádlaw nga naglilí-gad---. One of these last days----. Sa tanán nga ádlaw. Every day.



Notwithstanding, in spite of, still, but yet, contrary to what one would expect, in defiance of all one would be led to believe. Nagpaninguhâ siá gid sa pagmánggad, agád namúsmus siá. He made great efforts to get rich, and yet he became very poor. Agád ginamligán ko ang ákon pagtikáng sa madánlug nga dálan, tapát gánì nakadúpyas akó. Although I carefully picked my steps on the slippery road, yet I slipped. Agád ginahingabút ang Sánta Iglesia sang íya mga kaáway, tapát gánì nagadúgang ang mga tumulóo. In spite of the fact that Holy Church is being persecuted by her enemies, her faithful adherents increase. Agád nahúlug akó. In spite of all I fell down. Agád napatáy siá! Yet he died! Who would have thought that he would die! (see tapát, hinonó-o).



See áglot id. Even in Hiligáynon ágrot seems to be more commonly used than áglot.



To work another's fields for part of the produce. Agsa ko lang iníng umá. I work this farm only as a tenant. Sín-o ang ginaagsahán mo? Who is the owner of your leasehold? Ang agsadór ko amó ang nagaágsa sang ákon dútà. My tenant is the one who works my farm. Ginapaágsa níya ang íya dútà sa isá ka salalígan nga agsadór. He let his land on lease to a trustworthy tenant. Kon may lúyag ka ipaágsa ko sa ímo ang ákon umá. If you like, I'll let you have my farm in tenure by lease. Agsahí siá. Become his tenant. Take his land in tenure by lease. Take some of his land on lease.



An exclamation to draw another's attention: Hey! Hello! Ahoy! Ahóy, hulatá akó ánay. Hey, kindly wait for me. Ahóy! kamó dirâ! Kumarí kamó dirí kag bulígan nínyo kamí. Hello, you there! Come here and help us! (see hóy).



(H) Delicate, precious, to be handled with care or caution. Ang tanán nga mga butáng nga mahapús mabúong ukón dolóktan sang bulíng alandáman. All things easily breakable or liable to be soiled should be treated with care. (see ándam, alamlígan, talatapón).



Care, attention, caution; to handle with care, to guard well or be careful with. Amligí ang bág-o nga kínke. Handle the new lamp with care. Ginamligán níya ang íya panápton, agúd índì mabulingán. He was careful with his clothes, lest they should become soiled. Iámlig akó ánay siní. Please take care of this for me. Paamligán mo sa íya ang mga báso, agúd nga dílì mabúong. Tell him to handle the glasses with care, lest they should be broken. Ipaámlig sa íya ang tanán nga mga galamitón sa baláy. Let him look carefully after all the furniture in the house. (see ándam, kaámlig, mainamlígon).



To woo, to court, be nice to. Si Fuláno nagaarígay sa kay María-or-ginaarígay si María ni Fuláno. N.N. is courting Mary. (see lígay, paayónáyon).



To gnash one's teeth. See bágrot id. Even in Hiligáynon "bágrot" is more commonly used than báglot.



(B) To bundle together, to wrap up in one's apron or other convenient part of one's dress. Bagtongá ang tinápay. Wrap up the bread (in your apron, the lower part of your skirt, etc.). Bagtongí ang tampíon mo sang tinápay. Wrap your apron around the bread. Wrap the bread up in your apron. Binágtong-a bundle. N.B. A binágtong is always wrapped up in, and somehow fastened to, one's dress, as an apron, the lower part of the skirt, a loose jacket, etc.; if a bundle is entirely separate from the body, it is not called a binágtong, but pinutús; in Hiligáynon, however, binágtong and pinutús are often used promiscuously. (see bántal).



A small crocodile, alligator.



(H) Obligation-, duty-, to pound rice. Iníng táo may baláyhan pa sa ákon. This man is under an obligation to pound rice for me. (see bayó, baláyhon).



Murmur, rattle, clatter, crackle, a sound as of many voices, a quick succession of little noises, patter; to patter, to sound or make a noise, as of many voices, shots, falling stones and the like. Nagabárak ang sinánlag sa gánga, ang mga tígbaw sa subâ kon tútdan, etc. What is roasted in the pot, the reeds in the river-bed, if burned, etc. crackles (crackle). Kon tútdan iníng kaingín, magabárak ang mga tinapás nga sibúkaw kag kawáyan. When these forest-clearings are burned the felled sibúkaw and bamboo crackle. Ginpabarákan akó níla sing bató. They pelted me with a rattling shower of stones. Ipabárak iníng balás sa íla baláy or pabaráki siníng balás ang íla baláy. Make their house resound with the noise of this sand thrown at it. Nabarákan akó gid siníng táo kon maghámbal. This man is too garrulous for me when he talks. Pabaráki siá sang pamángkot, agúd nga índì siá makasabát. Ply him with many questions in quick succession, so that he cannot answer. Nagpabárak siá sang íya mga rebentadór sang paglígad sang nóbia. He let off his crackers, when the bride passed by. (see árak).



Ridicule, joke, chaff, derision, banter, fun; to make fun of, poke fun at, ridicule, deride, twit, quiz, chaff, laugh at, rally, banter, crack jokes at another's expense. Indì mo pagbiáy-biáyon ang ákon ngálan. Don't make fun of my name. (see tiáwtíaw, lahógláhog, uslít, úmpit, pasipála, uligâ, ulígyat, yagutâ).



Girdle, bandage, usually made of yarn; to gird or bandage. Bigkisí ang bátà. Bandage the baby. Ibígkis iníng bunáng nga mapulá. Bandage with this red yarn. (see lígas, wágkos).



The fine, thin ligaments in animal organisms. (see lanítlánit-tendon, sinew).



Crocodile, alligator, cayman, caiman. (see balangítaw).

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