Search result(s) - ngálan



Dirt, grime, mud, filth, stain, tarnish; to become or make dirty, etc. Walâ gid sing táp-ing ang íya dungúg. His character is perfectly blameless. He is a man of unblemished (irreproachable) character. Ang íya guyá natap-ingán sang hígkò kag dugô. His face was-grimy and blood-stained,-besmeared with grime and blood. Ayáw pagbuháta inâ, kay matap-ingán gid ang maáyo nga ngálan sang ímo panimaláy. For God's sake don't do such a thing, for it will certainly bring dishonour on the fair name of your family (it will discredit-, reflect upon-, your good family-name). (see dágtà, hígkò, bulíng, rísmò).



Indiscreet, one who talks without restraint, letting out secrets, etc.; a great chatterbox. (see buraán, hadakán).

Dim. and Freq. of lángà. Also: to be absent-minded, very forgetful, wandering in one's mind, making contradictory statements, behaving like a fool. Nagalangâlangâ siá sa íya panabát. He gives incoherent or contradictory answers. His mind is wandering.



(H) Reaper, harvester, one who reaps rice by means of a "kayóg". (see áni, manganganí, manuganí).



To hesitate, doubt, be-undecided,-in doubt,-uncertain, not to know exactly what to say or do. (alángálang).



Untimely, inopportune, inconvenient, premature; remiss, slack, negligent, careless, falling short of what is required. (see alángálang, alangón).



Immature, young, untimely, etc. See alángalangánon.



A cog, tooth, sprocket, in a wheel; a false tooth; to insert a tooth or cog, to fill a tooth, make an artificial tooth. A lángálang na iníng galingán, kay napíngas ang madámù nga bánsil. This mill or machine does not work well any longer, because many cogs are broken off. Bansilán mo ang ákon ngípon. Fill my tooth. Make me an artificial tooth. Ang dentísta nagbánsil sang ákon ngípon. The dentist filled my tooth or made me an artificial tooth. Buláwan ang ibánsil mo sa ákon ngípon. Fill my tooth with gold or make me a gold tooth.



To participate in cock-fighting, to cock-fight, bet or wager on a cock-fight, cause a cock to fight in the cockpit. Diín si Fuláno?-Dídto sa bulangán, nagabúlang. Where is N.N?-He is there in the cock-pit, cock-fighting. Indì mo pagibúlang iníng manók, kay alángálang pa. Don't fight this cock in the cockpit, for its training is not complete yet, it is too young, etc. Indì náton pagbulángon ang áton manók. We will or must not let our cocks fight each other. Pasampoká pírme ang duhá ka manók, agúd mahánas, kay kon mahánas na ibúlang ta silá sa pándut sang bánwa. Get the two cocks to try their strength against each other constantly in order to make them expert, for if they are up to it we will fight them in the cockpit on the town-festival.



To listen, overhear, eavesdrop, be within ear-shot. Indì ka maghangál sang ámon sugilánon. Don't listen to our conversation. Ginhangalán níya silá sa tágò. He secretly overheard their talk. Hangalí ang íla halambalánon kon anó. Try to overhear what they are talking about. (see tingád).



From hingálan.



Untimeliness, unseasonableness, the being inopportune. (see alángálang).



Foolish, silly, crazy, out of one's wits (said especially of poultry). Iháwon ta lang ang mungâ, kay nagalangálangá or kay langálangá. Let us kill the hen, for she is crazy, (i.e. laying her eggs sometimes here and sometimes there, but never for any length of time in the same place. (see buángbuáng, talángtaláng).



One who is rather foolish; silly, forgetful or absentminded. (see langâlangâ, langkólángko, langkálángka, buángbuáng, talángtaláng, etc.).

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