Search result(s) - pára



Thin, weak, faint, feeble, exhausted (of voice); to be or become feeble, etc. (see harawaháw, pagáw).



(B) Dishevelled, etc. See págpag, palágpag, búkag, bukágkag.



(Sp. paraiso) Paradise, Eden, garden of Eden, heaven; a shrub with beautiful flowers. (see edén).



(H) A lump, mass, compact piece (of sugar, etc.). (padák id.).



To separate, cull, pick, weed out. Ag-agá ang mga bató sa balás. Pick out the stones from among the sand. Ag-agi ang saburán sang hilamón. Weed out the grass from the plot of rice-seedlings. Iág-ag akó ánay sang mga óhot sa humáy. Please gather the empty ears from among the rice-grains. Inag-agán mo na sang mga lánsang ang sinapíyo? Have you picked out the nails from among the shavings?



Decomposition, rottenness, decay, blight, produced by the action of small worms, vermin, insects, parasites (both vegetable and animal), the decayed parts frequently being turned into powder. Also used as a verb. May agáy-ay or ginaagáy-ay ang káhoy, bugás, tápì, salúg, etc. The wood-, rice-, board-, floor-, is worm-eaten. Igátong na lang ang inagáy-ay nga káhoy. Use the worm-eaten timber for firewood. Ang kadiós inagay-ayán na man. The black peas have also become infested with blight.

(derived from the Sp. hacendera, hacendero) The female (male) owner of a comparatively small farm; a farmer on a small scale.



The last cleaning of rice before it is washed and got ready for the kettle; to clean rice after the two siftings called "tahúp" and "sisíg" respectively. Alápi ang bugás. Clean the rice. Separate from the rice all admixtures (that should not be boiled together with the clean, properly hulled rice). Iálap akó ánay sináng bugás. Please clean that rice for me. Ipaálap ang bugás sa bátà. Get the servant to clean the rice. Walâ siá sing inalápan. He has no clean rice.



(H) To disperse, spread, separate, (said of crowds, clouds, smoke, etc.). Ang asó nagaalapláag. The smoke is dispersing. Ang mga táo kon maggwâ sa simbáhan magaalapláag sa madalî. The people, when they come out of church, will soon disperse. Alaplaága ang mga bátà, háyup, etc. Make the children, the cattle, etc. spread, or separate, in different directions. (see aláplag, lápnag, lápta).



Side, edge, border; to pass along the side of, to go in a parallel line along the border of, to take a side-track. Magalíhid lang kamó sa pángpang. Just pick your way along the bank. Kon madámù ang lúnang sa dálan saráng kamó makaalíhid sa isá ka bánas. If there should be much mud on the road, you can take the footpath at the side of it. Metaphorically: Nagapangalíhid siá sa mga kadalagkuán. He avoids contact with high-class folks, holds aloof from them, keeps his distance in their presence.



A bamboo-mat, square, either quite flat or, more frequently, with the edges turned up a little, used chiefly to catch the chaff when newly pounded rice is tossed in the "kalálaw" to separate the rice from the chaff. Kon táphan ang binayó isálud ang alugáyan. When you toss the rice free from the chaff, place the alugáyan underneath, (see lugáyan id.).



To prepare, get-, make-, ready, make preparations for. Magáman ka sa paglakát. Get ready for the march. Nagáman ka na sa pagkonpesár? Have you prepared for confession? Mangáman ka! Be prepared! Be careful! Beware! Amána ang ákon higdáan. Make my bed. Amáni akó sing pagkáon. Prepare me some food. Naáman na ang tanán. Everything is ready. Iáman ko iníng hábul sa bisíta. I am going to prepare this blanket for the visitor. (see hímos, híkot, híwat).



(Sp. amparar) Help, assistance; to help, assist, lend a hand. Ampayóhi siá sa íya mga buluhatón. Help him in his work. Iníng káro páti karabáw iampáyo ko sa íya sa paghákot sing bató. I will assist him to carry stones with this cart and buffalo. Paampayóha sa íya ang ímo sologoón. Let your servant help him or lend him a hand. (see búlig).



Dim. of ánglit. Anything resembling a small cooking-pot. The phrase "nagaanglít-ánglit silá nga duhá" is often used in connection with quarrelling couples, cooking and eating their meals separately.



Distance, separation, difference; to make room, give way, yield space. Malayô ang ántad. The distance is great or far. Malayô silá sing ántad. They are far asunder. Antará (-adá) ang síya. Put the chair farther away. Antarí nínyo ang lugár. Make room. Iántad ang mga hinaláy. Space what is hung on the line farther apart. Magántad kamó. Give way. Make room. Ipaántad sa íya ang mga nalábhan nga hinaláy. Let her space farther apart the washed clothes hung on the line. Ang íya nga sinabát malayô sing ántad sa patád. His answer is beside the mark i.e. his answer is vague, evasive.



Distance, separation, interstice, interval; to be distant (separate, away) one from another. Limá ka tápak ang íla antáray. Nagaantáray silá sing limá ka tápak. There is a distance (an open space) of five feet between them. They are spaced five feet apart. (see ántad, bál-ot).



(áwhang), To lean or hang out of a window or the like, so as to be in danger of falling in a moment of forgetfulness. Indì ka magáohang sa talamwáan. Don't lean out of the window. Indì mo pag-iáohang ang ímo láwas, kay básì mahúlug ka. Don't lean out too far, for you might tumble down. Sang paglubás sang kátay gináohang níya ang íya láwas sa bintánà kag nagtingká-ub kag nahúlug. When the parade passed by he leant out of the window, lost his balance and fell. Kon walâ níya pagaohangí ang kátay, walâ man siá mahúlug. If he had not stretched himself too far out to see the parade, he would not have tumbled down.



áwhog, To look about searchingly or curiously, stretching one's neck in order to get a better sight of things. Aohógi kon anó ang sulúd sang aparadór. Peer into the cupboard to find out what is in it. Iáohog ang úlo mo, agúd makakítà ka sing maáyo. Stretch your neck, that you may be able to see well. Indì ka magáohog. Don't look about curiously.



(Sp. arroz) Rice, especially hulled rice. (see humáy, pálay, páray, bugás).



To separate from, set apart, expose. The Dim. atád-atád is mostly used.

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